Trick Or Vote

Trick Or Vote

You are a Citizen. Exercise Your Right To Vote. Know all the Rights Your are Entitled of.

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trick or vote media
The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen.
Louis Brandeis

The Reasons People Need Access to Government Websites

Browsing a website


Here is the next in a series of articles about how I’m taking forward aim two of this only domain: namely the “private beta test using a shared ‘corporate’ publishing platform targeted at replacing the majority of the activity now hosted on several departmental publishing surroundings”. By business, we suggest that the areas of the government net estate – now accessed through different domains like, along with – that explain the objectives and intent of government’s many businesses, describe in detail the job they perform, and supply advice about how they’re doing it to get transparency and responsibility.

This post is all about the demands that the beta version of the corporate publishing stage will be made to fulfill, and how I’ve gone about replying to two simple questions:

  1. Why can authorities organizations have corporate sites? And,
  2. What exactly do people need when they see them?

However, before we dive into what and why I need to give you awareness of just how many people that.

Just how many men and women are using these websites?

Lots. The typical monthly unique visitors to the central government’s present company websites vary from 3,000 (cheapest ) to 4.3 million (maximum ). Crudely, this places the entire audience at roughly 12 million individuals – not counting on the sites of agencies as well as other arms-length bodies, so a lot of who stunt their parent’s sections (belief, by way of instance, of their Met Office). A high percentage of visits range from users – roughly 40 percent. Users are highly engaged, signaling an average of 4 times a trip. (Hat tip to Adam Bailin for those amounts).

Who are those individuals?

Everyone. Visitors into government’s corporate websites have been best described as “individuals that are professionally or personally considering the job or workings of government” – much more of a manner compared to a demographic. There is unsurprisingly a prejudice towards the professionally curious: visitors drop away from the weekends and evenings.

While the wide category is potential, visitors resist neat categorization. Surveys of consumers of those sites have a tendency to throw up a good deal of “other people”. To give you a flavor, here is how 10 consumers (chosen entirely at random) explained themselves in recent polls from the Ministry of Justice along with Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills.

Ministry of Justice

  • Neighbourhood see growth officer
  • Enforcement scientist
  • Partner of captive
  • Claimant in bankruptcy case
  • Interpreter

Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills

  • HR adviser from the NHS
  • Further schooling compliance officer
  • Board member of a third company firm
  • Dietician
  • Local authorities officer


ALSO READ: For Young Adults: Political Philosophy


Making sense of this tail of demands

With such a selection of individuals interested in such many different topics, it was apparent early on I would need to take a longer coarse-grained way of identifying consumer needs than was completed to your citizen-facing region of the domain. A fine-grain research à la (brilliant) Needotron 5000 could have bogged me down into analysis paralysis and forced shipping by early 2012 hopeless.

Whatever the scenario, rough granularity makes great sense. My aim in this practice was to set the demands that could be fulfilled by tags for articles instead of the material itself. My immediate task is to produce the proper shelves; after I will use Departments to inventory them and throughout this time we’ll have to believe carefully about the why and who for each and every single thing we insert (and then update or eliminate).

Additionally, I picked – unsurprisingly given my desktop to examine the government’s motives to their corporate sites, like an eye on how compatible they are with what consumers expect, and since pragmatically I want to fulfill both sets of demands should this item will be quite a hit.

I set about collecting just enough information to fulfill those goals and no longer, inquiring Whitehall’s webbies to send their:

  • Search meta information, site analytics, consumer surveys, and study insights (everything they have on who comes for their own websites along with what they are Searching to get).
  • Site plan records, propositions, and KPIs (any recorded believing from the sections about the aims, viewers, and achievement measures for their websites)

I have 70 files straight right back, speed-read the great deal, and dried them to different lists of consumer wants and government objectives. I ran the outcomes beyond electronic leaders in sections to get a feeling check and organized to get another set of eyes (the fantastic Mo Brooks at COI) to tidy up the copies and set them into topics.

Below are the raw effects of that function: download the Excel document or even see it on Scribd.

I wait to put any spin on the outcome but would love to share only 3 observations that jumped out at me throughout the procedure. Your mileage might vary.

  1. Users need the most recent stuff. Since I flicked through search keywords (like using Helium10 with my Helium10 coupon code for Amazon sellers), many viewed pages, and said reasons for seeing, it felt overwhelmingly true that consumers of corporate websites want to find information about current statements.
  2. In addition, they need very specific stuff that is present (as different from current ), and are on the lookout for this by generic search phrases (e.g. by DECC: “energy efficiency”), by record names (“climate shift behave 2008”) or termed competitions (“renewable heating incentive”).
  3. There is a two-way dating involving clients and government officials that corporate websites could do a lot more to encourage. Where government and user want to react suitably (e.g. understand/explain, influence/consult( remain informed/announce) and in which they do not (have to account/get favorable PR, lobby/campaign), there’s a tacit discussion along with a desire to affect behavior in either direction. In case the only domain should happen to encourage this greater, it would have to be of a conduit for both policymakers and their viewers to take part in dialog and open exchange of data, to cultivate a better comprehension of each individual’s wants and requirements.

The next step for this work will be to map wants to formats – that we have begun on today – and also to keep iterating those lists because we grow and analyze the beta merchandise with consumers.


Politics Impact On Professional Painting Services And Society As A Whole

The painting industry is a multi-billion dollar market, and with every U.S. presidential election, it’s likely to see more politicians than ever before entering the business of painting houses and buildings.

The Politics Impact on Professional Painting Services

Every time the U.S. Presidential election approaches, many people are turning to professional painting services for help in their homes or businesses as they seek to build up an impressive looking home or business that will impress potential voters. This trend has been going strong since 2008 when President Obama was elected into office, so some experts believe that future elections will have more demand from this sector of society.

Politics in Christmas Season

The election season is a time when many people are excited to get out and exercise their right to vote. So, it’s no surprise that the Christmas holiday also brings more activity in this area of society as well. This includes painting projects for homes and businesses, where people want to make their homes look like the holiday season.

Politicians tend to show off during the Christmas season, showering people with gifts and parading Christmas lights done by professional Christmas lights installation. People are clothed, the homeless have temporary shelter and warm food to eat.

Why is the political environment changing in Christmas season?

It’s a time of giving and getting gifts. The season is full of joy, but it also brings out people who have more than they can give to others. It’s the perfect season for politicians to play the role that they want to play. People are in their element. They’re dressed up and ready to socialize. Politicians can get away with things that they might not do during other times of the year because people will be too busy enjoying themselves to question them or let it bother them.

What will the future hold for politics in the Christmas season?

As more people become educated about how politics and politicians work, they will demand that their representatives show them respect at all times. They will also expect to be treated with fairness and respect, and they will not tolerate any type of disrespect towards them.

It is important to remember that the majority of people are honest and do have good intentions. They just need a little encouragement in order to be more aware of their actions during this time of year.

We need to be more aware of what we are saying and doing around the Christmas season so that our actions do not offend other people during this time. We also need to take a moment now and then to remember that most people are good and do not mean to offend.

It’s easy for people to get caught up in the excitement of Christmas and forget that others are watching them closely. It is important to remember that everyone has feelings and would rather be treated with respect.

Interested in Politics?

Are you interested in politics and you want to study political science, but you don’t want to become a politician? No problem, because the subject offers far more career opportunities than many think. You can work as a diplomat, journalist or speaker after your studies. During your studies, you acquire important knowledge about how political systems work and how political action shapes different states and societies.

For Young Adults: Political Philosophy

In recent years, more and more children’s literature and cinema films with a political-philosophical theme have come onto the market. They are very popular among young people. This is remarkable, precisely because these books and films are aimed at the target group of older youth or young adults. Since when have they been interested in politics, philosophy, and/or political philosophy ?!

Now it is indeed unlikely that the average teenager at the beginning of the twenty-first century will suddenly be captivated by theoretical discussions about politics, political action, and just war. It is more likely that these books and films for ‘young adults’ contain many attractions in the form of action and romance. Yet their popularity cannot be explained solely by the appeal of small stories of adventure and puppy love. There is reason to suspect that these little stories are models for the big stories that young people struggle with today. The lifestyle of today’s adolescents may be ‘YOLO!’ (‘You Only Live Once’, ie do what you want), but should perhaps be understood as a counter-reaction out of unease about ‘Who has anything to say about me?’ or, more generally.

Happy Hunger games!
What are these films about and what philosophical points do they address? It is striking that all these stories are based on a similar setting: somewhere in the near future De Bom fell (or the society known to us disintegrated due to another catastrophe) and the survivors have to build a life under a different regime. The corresponding premise is a dystopian thought experiment: suppose we as a society had to start all over again, how would we organize it? What are the options? How do we organize control over the means of living? Do you get it or do you take it? Do you have the power or the right?

‘I believe in America!’
The main characters in The Hunger Games fight not only against domination but also for a better life. In this way, these films at least show young adults the struggle between two alternative ways of living together: a dictatorship or ‘each his own vegetable garden’. In a dictatorship, one person (or a small group) makes the decisions about the property and life of the others. They take all the power, usually quite physically, and usurp the monopoly on armed violence. In principle, the dictator may be a ‘good’ dictator, someone with the common good as the higher goal, such as peace and freedom. The Capitol even makes it “generosity and forgiveness” to strive for at the expense of individual good. More often, however, that power perverts out of personal lust into a malicious, totalitarian appropriation of property, of the body, and members of the non-rulers. “I don’t like underdogs,” said President Snow.

Liberal democracy as a third option
The thought experiment of the films mentioned is that after ‘the big blow’ everyone will go back to living in the countryside, as in the colonies of Locke’s time. This may be because the aforementioned films are American films, as they were ‘westerns’: the American states were built up by pioneers and separated from the European kings. Is that really what young adults should choose from today? Doesn’t it lose sight of the fact that we have been living in large urbanized areas for centuries? In a world that relies on trade and services, is not both a dictatorship and ‘everyone his own vegetable garden’ undesirable? We do not live autonomously on our own plantation or fishing waters. The mutual intercourse around property, labor, and life has become so much more intensive than another form of state government emerged, liberal democracy, a different relationship of power and law with government by the entire population itself. Not feudal, but guided. Not run by an elite, but by the residents. With certain safeguards such as a constitution, the separation of legislative, enforcement, and judicial powers, double parliamentary chambers, impeachment procedures, and the like. Our new generations have to relate to this.

‘Give them a good show’
What the films show again is that all forms of government have their vulnerabilities. Especially in The Hunger Games, we see a satire on the power of the media. Not only because the media themselves pack looks, air, and idleness in entertainment (and television producers become television stars). But mainly because, in addition to the trias politica (legislation, enforcement, and justice), the media has grown into a fourth power factor in today’s society. In the emptiness of entertainment (not to mention the propaganda of the talk shows and news broadcasts), manipulation of the population is never far away. This is a danger not only in a dictatorship or in a favorable state of nature, but also in a liberal democracy. In our country too, in our time, we see how decisive the media are for the reputation of administrators and management, for putting issues on the agenda, and thus can make or break politics by influencing public opinion. Today in our broadcast, tomorrow parliamentary questions! Why are films about political philosophies so attractive to young adults? Perhaps because they respond to the experience that the media are powerful, hopefully also to an unease that the media do not honestly address the coexistence and the question of who has what to say. It sometimes seems as if we live in a media dictatorship. Would young people experience it that way? WouldThe Hunger Games help them see-through?

Knowing the Lemon Law

When you get a new or old, you hope to receive your money’s worth. As customers we feel everyone we meet is honest and that we’ll always be treated fairly. Nonetheless, this isn’t necessarily the situation. People don’t always get what they bargain for and also to safeguard customers there are currently laws to defend you against a lousy automobile buy. These laws are called the lemon laws. The principles and requirements may vary by every state. But this report will examine the simple intention of this lemon laws. By knowing these laws you’re in a position to shield yourself from a terrible buy.

By definition of the lemon laws explain bad cars or faulty cars. In reality, not every one these laws even insure used cars. Beginning at the national level, the legislation cover any mechanical problem which may come up on a brand new vehicle. Since a guarantee is the thing that creates a producer responsible for fixes to the customers vehicles. The law retains the producers for their own warranties. When you take a look over your guarantee which accompanies your purchase there are specific things that have to be mentioned. The things that have to be included arethe era of the automobile, the mileage that the cost paid, in addition to the automobile where the car has been bought.

Therefore, if you’re experiencing trouble with your car check the lemon law north carolina specifications to know your rights – or whichever state you’re in. Well there are a number of places to begin. When for any reason, they aren’t able to repair the issue then you can acquire a complete refund on the cost, including any sales tax which you paid. The trader will also have the choice of providing you with a replacement automobile rather than the refund, however you’ve got the choice to accept or decline this. There have been a few changes which were made into the present national legislation. Purchasers now have the choice of returning an automobile for as much as 12 weeks and the customer currently receives a loaner vehicle or cab allowance while their car has been fixed.

If you think you have obtained a lemon then the very first step would be to discuss the topic with the merchant. Also notify your insurance carrier. Hopefully your situation could be solved at this stage in the procedure. IF however you can’t settle it in a amicable manner there are numerous different items that you perform. Speak to a lawyer and discover out what your rights are inside your condition.

Problems Related to Politics

The following are some of the issues being said to be politically connected:

  1. Poverty. A lot believe that poverty is one of the results of poor governance of the elected leaders. The poor even becomes poorer because of the abusive leaders a country has. Not all but most of the time, injustice and lack of fairness affects the people who do not really have adequate social representation about and of politics and everything about it. Unfortunately, these group of people are the ones who are being abused because obviously, they do not have the power or even the voice to be heard.
  2. Corruption. The most common problem that is being thrown to anyone who has a public position. The cause of poverty and lack of funds. The cause of conflicts and complications between cities, provinces, regions, and even nations.
  3. Social or Race Discrimination. An issue that is common to countries that has strong social divisions. Where one group is superior over the other when technically they should just be equal. A group is treated differently compared to others.
  4. Dynasty. In some countries, this is also a sign of discrimination. A dynasty pertains to leaders who are blood-related are elected to serve the public. Because of this, others are not given the chance to serve and show change and what they can do. This becomes a culture as well that if a particular person coming from a particular family can serve, other members up to the following generations are expected to serve the public as well.
  5. Climate change. There are also times that even the change in the environment is being connected and thrown to our government or to the politicians. Maybe because, since the leaders are the ones who approve projects for the economy, people think that leaders are just after the profit and do not totally consider sustainable development.

Social and political problems are not easy to solve that you can just search for a solutions from a website. Advisers should be present and insights of other leaders should be considered.

Voting for the Future: Why We Vote

The right to vote is an important right to participation, but not all citizens who are entitled to vote make use of it. Whether local elections, federal elections, European elections: We have summarized why it is important to vote and why you should exercise your right to vote.

Being able to vote is a privilege

The right to have a say is made possible by democracy and is something that is by no means possible in every country. So you have a privilege with your right to vote that you should not be carelessly wasting.

Every vote counts

Do you feel like your voice can’t move a lot? Often enough it has been tight in recent years, be it in terms of forming a government or deciding who will win local elections. So your voice can be the final tip on the scales. Only when you choose can your voice make a difference.

Without your vote, the others decide

Failure to vote and the submission of an invalid ballot paper have no influence on the election result. If you don’t vote, the votes of the others will decide who will represent your country or constituency in the future.

Democracy cannot function without the voice of its citizens

A democracy is based on the people voting for their representatives, who can then act on their behalf. Democracy can only really function if citizens actively help shape it. And only by casting your vote can you do something to ensure that a representative is elected who represents you and your interests well.

Are there Pests Around? –

If you refuse to vote, you are not making a statement

If you want to express protest by not voting, it will not lead to anything. If you don’t cast your vote, it can mean a lot. It can both mean that you do not want to participate in the existing system and that you trust the other citizens that you are already choosing the right one. Nobody will find out exactly what the reasons for not voting are, so you will not achieve anything with it.

You take responsibility with your voice

Do something to ensure that those who represent your interests and stand up for your goals on your behalf are elected. If you do not want to or cannot get involved in certain topics yourself, then you can very well take responsibility for these topics with your voice.

Voting is easy

The process of choosing is not a difficult thing in and of itself and anyone can do it. Of course, before making a choice, you should be clear about who you want to vote for and for what reasons. Of course, you have to invest in the research of the various parties, their goals and programs. The cross in the election itself, however, takes just a few minutes.

Choosing makes you feel good

It’s a special feeling when you’ve cast your vote in the election. A mixture of tension about how the choice will turn out and satisfaction because you have done your best to influence the outcome.

Aspects of the Political in Games

Even for a game culture criticism that is still emerging, it is crucial to understand where the fundamental differences in the reception of the art form mobile game lie and what the concept of the political actually means in it.

Rather, four possible definitions of the political in relation to mobile games emerge

  • Games as a political entity of the market or money
  • The game as a political issue through its influence on culture
  • Mobile game as a political issue out of its game mechanics
  • The game as a political narrative based on its individual narrative

What is done in parliaments is only political in a very narrow sense. In a broader sense, it is anything that somehow influences public opinion, culture, or other public things.

Why the mobile games are political

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First of all, this makes every published game political, regardless of whether this game has a decidedly political content or not. Because even the appearance as a commercial form that tries to get a crumb off of the big money cake is at least an intervention in both the distribution of wealth and the composition of a market that is in the three-digit billion range worldwide. As a commodity, the game – every game – is of course political.

And the bigger the game is, the more widespread it is, the more political the game becomes from a cultural point of view, even if its content is apparently non-political. When millions of people play the same thing, on the one hand, it says something about our culture and on the other hand, it influences it, so it’s political.

Mobile games: Politics label from the grab box

It is difficult to deny the political nature of a game. But it is also predictable at the same time because it results solely from the nature of the game as a publicly available art form. In the end, there are no differences to any other art form. So far, the argumentation can be transferred one to one. But the line of argument that all games are therefore political may in fact be true according to the definitions, but ultimately translates the term “political” into a trivial statement in the sense of meaningful cultural criticism of individual work.

Play or Bleed Gaming Politics

Play along or bleed employees who prefer to work where no political games are played, we must help out. Every workplace is political because humans are manipulative by nature. People have an innate tendency to want to understand and influence what happens in their environment.

“Everyone has interests and wishes that they want to realize”

Michael Dobson

Understanding Gaming Politics

Gossip As Innate Strategy

Organizational scientist Nigel Nicholson even believes that for this reason gossip is an innate survival strategy. Just as in the Stone Age there was a shortage of food, clothing and shelter and natural disasters lurked, so there is a shortage of top positions in companies and uncertainties about who is allowed to do what and who is in good standing with the management. Gossip is a way of getting information that cannot be reached through official channels. You get knowledge that helps you survive in the workplace.

Manipulation may be in the nature of every person, the motives and goals that people have with it, of course, differ. Research shows While one person is happiest when he can help people in his work, another is when he can learn something new or when he can do something that makes him stand out.

Those who have selfish motives and especially want to become more important or richer are more likely to play underhanded political games.

Urging at the top
It is therefore logical that more politics is carried out at the top of the company than at the bottom. There are few places in the top, so it is crowded. Those who do not make their own interests the highest priority will often be left behind at promotions. Not the man or woman who always wins his best foot forward, but the one with the best network.

Can We Keep Politics Out of Gaming?

Employees naturally differ in the skill they have in the political game. Geoff Clarke, father of Jane Clarke, author of Political Games in Organizations, was a talented marketer working in a pharmaceutical company. He was analytical, creative and full of ideas. Unfortunately, he was also very direct and open. He tried to do his job without paying much heed to the way he appeared. That was his downfall. “He was pressured to leave the company in such a vicious way that it seemed as if his environment wanted to hurt him wherever possible, “According to psychologist.

But because people naturally pursue their interests like playing one of  ‘afk arena list 2020′ . The practice of office politics often happens unconsciously. The colleague who tries to claim your successes or slander you behind your back probably doesn’t even realize that he is conducting office politics. Consultants who train employees in office politics often start by making people aware of their own and other people’s interests. The behavior of a villainous colleague becomes more understandable in light of the fact that he would like to have your chair or that of your supervisor.

Awareness of such interests can be a huge eye-opener. Anyone who comes to think about office politics for the first time often feels himself to change from an enormously naïve person to the world’s greatest cynic.



How Does Ranking Work in Politics

It is planned where people will congregate. Who is the “boss,” who are the “followers,” who decides what, who has formal power, and who has informal or nuisance power? Scoring occurs naturally in (political) organizations. But not only there. Everywhere there is an order or ranking. In your family as well.

Put a group of people together and something happens. A set of rules and a culture soon develops. This culture with its rules and beliefs provides a system of status, power and ranking.

Ranking determines who is allowed to rank. So gives people a certain position in a group. But the highest in rank also determine the culture of a group. Many people are busy getting higher in the rankings and gaining more status. We are all a group and the group together determines the culture. And the culture formed in turn determines how we treat each other. But it is not that everyone has the same say about how we organize our affairs in a group. One has a higher rank than the other and therefore has more to say.

In a hierarchical culture with clear leaders and followers, decisions will be made differently than in a network culture where everyone is more or less equal. But even in such a culture there are people with more rank than others.


There is no such thing as a flat organization where everyone is equal and has the same say. There, ranking and power are exercised in a more subtle way.

  • Grading is done on the basis of different characteristics
  • Your position
  • Seniority
  • Knowledge
  • Network qualities
  • Gender
  • Skills
  • Communication skills and environmental sensitivity

If you are a male manager with many years of service and a good network, there is a good chance that you are at the top of the rank tree.

Watch the video for you to understand why politics are so important.

If a group has a culture that everyone is happy with, there will be no need to change this any time soon. If there is discontent or conflict in a group then there is an urgent need to changing the culture. But this demands a lot from people and an organization.

Ranking is a game of rules like ‘ valorant elo boosting ‘ . By first knowing the rules and then applying them properly, you can rise higher. It is often important to copy human behavior higher up on the monkey rock, to be rewarded for it and thus to get higher yourself. And sometimes you gain power by challenging the rules of the game, by changing them, by writing whole new rules of the game. If you excel in what is seen as positive by the organization, you will increase in ranking.

By understanding how a council works, you can understand how it works and how decision-making comes about. Every council works differently and has a different culture and a different ranking system. But power is always there, formally and explicitly or informal or informal and implicit.

If a city council advocates a new way of working, the ranking system will have to be changed. People who are high in the ranking tree can give a specific example of the old way. This does require the current leaders to take a step back, for the benefit of the new leaders.


New language regulations are repeatedly demanded and justified. However, it is not unusual for the language’s purported “political correctness” to result in misunderstanding, inconsistencies, and new communication issues.

Language, according to proponents of “politically correct” language, can be a much more effective weapon than direct abuse. The systematic move for “political correctness” as part of anti-discrimination campaigns did not begin in the 1980s. People should not be insulted linguistically because of their gender, nationality, ethnic identity, or sexual orientation, according to Peter Wilkinson. T he trend started in universities and became known to the general public in the late 1980s through the media.


Political Correctness (PC) originally came from the Anglo-Saxon region but is now widely used in Germany. The term was introduced in Germany in the early 1990s through newspaper articles that reported on the U.S. PC debate and its impact on art, politics and society. PC supporters criticize the use of the generic masculine – the masculine form, when people of both sexes are meant. Professions with poor social prestige are thus at least linguistically upgraded, writes Jürgen Rigueur. In principle, language units with negative connotations are replaced by those that block out objectionable aspects. According to Rigueir , the changes have so far not caused any secondary meaning.

Since the early 1990s, “politically correct” has become a dismissive word used by political critics. PC is being increasingly synonymous with absurd euphemism and dogmatic, intolerant politics. Conservative groups are naturally hostile to left-wing or leftist anti-discrimination efforts. Some claim that language policies cannot address the root causes of prejudice, racism, and other types of discrimination.

Negros / Niger is from the Latin word Niger= black. The direct translation into English or German is actually quite neutrally descriptive at the beginning. In the case of colored people , the feature “skin color” is still in the foreground , but the formulation is much broader and thus, at least in theory, also includes people of other skin color. African-Americans / Afro-Americans go completely away from the skin color and determine the named group about the origin.

“Politically correct” use of language can conflict with fundamental language rules, According to Peter Wilkinson. Wilkinson: Replacement expressions are mostly longer than the replacement. Avoiding the generic masculine can have a negative effect on the comprehensibility of the text, he says. But in the case of grotesque neoplasms, such as vertically challenged as a substitute for short stature, it is unlikely PC supporters will actually use them, he adds.

The term negro is now prohibited in the German language. Agatha Christie’s detective novel Ten Little Negroes was no longer published after 2003. The replacement of the term gypsies with Sinti and Roma. The “Gypsy Schnitzel” remains on restaurant menus, as does the ‘Gypsy’ in folk music texts. One criterion for or against certain proposals could be the question of how the respective groups themselves would like to be named, says Jürgen Müsperger. Müller: Sometimes originally negative names or even swear words are converted into positive self-names, such as homosexuals or prostitutes.

Watch: The racial politics of the time

It is correct that the language used by humans provides information about their worldview, according to Peter Bergen. In the 1970s, there was a controversy about whether the terrorists around Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof were correctly referred to as the Baader-Meinhof group in the media.




The President Obsessed With Tanned Skin

Donald Trump has been obsessed with his tanned skin since he was a young man. He has spent millions of dollars on tanning beds, lotions, and tanning pills in an effort to achieve the perfect tan. He has often boasted about how much time he spends in the tanning bed. He even called his tan the “greatest Tan in history” and the “safer tan than sunbathing.”

When Trump is not tanned, he often feels insecure and will ask his staff to increase the intensity of the tanning bed in order to get a deeper tan. He often visits tanning beds and gets spray tans, which he often brags about. He has even been known to use tanning lotion and tanning pills (

Donald Trump’s Fake Tan

Donald Trump has worn fake tan for years even before he became a politician. Many people believe that he has been trying to cover up a tan line since he was a young child. Trump has been using this tan since he was a young boy. Trump claims that he has never used spray tan or lotion to cover his real skin.

Donald Trump likes to talk about his tanning bed. He calls his tan the “greatest tan in history” and says that his tan is the “safer tan than sunbathing.” He has been using it since he was a young man. His tanning bed is so effective that he claims that he can get a “tan in 2 minutes and you can’t even see it!”

Who is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States. He is a Republican, who previously served as the 45th Governor of Florida. Before he became the President, Trump was a businessman and a television personality. He was born and raised in the New York City borough of Queens and has an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He took charge of his family’s real estate business in 1971, replacing his father as CEO and president.

Trump has had a total of over 6,000 trademark applications filed for his name and brand. As the billionaire developer of Trump Tower, Trump has trademarked the tower’s name, logo, and exterior building materials.

In 1980, Donald Trump was granted 7 patents for his trademarks, including his “Trump” name. Trump has used his trademark to brand many products in the course of his career. Most notably, Trump has used the trademark to brand many of his own products.


Understanding Political Philosophy


It is actually a miracle that societies are organized and can be governed. Even more amazing is that we want and can do this democratically, and that we have rights. Of course it is not uncommon for things to go badly wrong. And even when things go well, everything is still skewed. According to Immanuel Kant “people are crooked wood, which cannot be used to make straight cuts”. Political philosophy is about the how and why of the crooked, about the nature of the wood, and about the art of – more or less – rightly working on man and his society.

Political philosophy is therefore not so much modeling as a reflection on how people try to formulate their interests, conflicts, beliefs and ideals and how these relate to the society in which they live. Themes such as power, authority, language, self-understanding, state, law, public, plurality, protest, democracy, representation and citizenship have traditionally played a role in this.

The society changes over time. This creates new solutions, new problems, new citizens, and new topics. This is how subjects such as Enlightenment, Romanticism, modernity, totalitarianism, participation and populism enter political philosophy. But also issues such as migration, minorities, discrimination, ecology, ‘alternative facts’, and decolonization.

This addresses some of these issues, in thematic form – themes such as authority, freedom, pluralism, insurrection, power, nationality and more. Classical political-philosophical insights come along, along with all kinds of current issues from media and daily life. But also contemporary insights from new political philosophy, and controversial discussions from  politics.

So we should learn to see better how political issues, it is better to  understood by setting them against the background of classical and modern political thought, and vice versa, how this political thinking is always gaining relevance through the experiences of ourselves as political beings, or citizens. Politics is a struggle for order, and order is a struggle – a shaky balance that can be found and maintained only through permanent self-examination.

As a result, stronger sense of the complex nature of political drama as evidenced by everyday life and history, and a broader repertoire of ideas and insights to reflect on.


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The Digitization of Politics

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence would have a greater impact on our society as a result of digitization. Several countries, including the United States and China, are currently leading the way in artificial intelligence research and development.

Artificial intelligence will only become popular in coming years, and it will be used by the politics. Of course, this will help to increase the political participation of all  people in society, especially those who are only politically involved to a small degree. This is helpful in the political process.

Concurrently, the internet has a technologies that the Committee is rightly critical. This is particularly true of techniques that can be used to sway elections. The use of these strategies slows down, if not completely destroys, the political process. It concerns, for example, delivering personalized election ads to particular individuals, persuading groups of electors to cross the bridge with selective claims, or filtering information within those platforms without being heard. Fake news, or “deep-fake,” in which video clips are manipulated, often plays a part in the spread of misinformation in society.

The plea for more transparency of the committee, especially on the side of political parties, or those participating in the elections participating is important. The question remains whether some recommendations have an effect. We must also consider that certain organizations or companies can also operate from abroad. When it comes to algorithms, things get a bit more difficult, especially when it comes to self-learning systems.

The question is whether we can use a platform for the dissemination of political information. It has become clear that borders sometimes are difficult to draw, while a mistake is easily made. Mots importantly  the side of society is aware and deliberated.

As the Committee correctly pointed out, the internet makes this much more informal, which can lead to polarization of opinion forming. One claims that one of them is more deliberation and comprehension of other viewpoints. “They like to increase understanding of the effect of digitization on our opinion creation.

Watch: How the Internet is Changing Politics

A process in which different supporters and opponents explain their positions and describe their objectives. Participate rather than refusing to distribute flyers. It’s important  that there’s a discussion such that the end result isn’t a statistical equation, like discussing in using ‘rapid‘ application development . As a result, They recommend that all referendum outcomes that are negative have no effect on the matter. In that situation, the dispute will continue, with a new vote likely being held within a year. The exact bandwidth and elaboration are also up for debate. It is the referendum outcomes that are reinforcing the social contrasts. As a result, They argue for a single binding outcome that only happens if a large portion of the political action.

Political in Game and Citizenship

Schools must dedicate time in encouraging active citizenship and social development. Online games introduce and appeal to students by introducing them to subjects such as war and poverty. Social and political engagement can be stimulated by learning . It is important that children from various backgrounds meet and learn from each other. According to authorities, the games will play a role in assisting children to become totally citizens.


Online games are extremely popular and successful. Beside from the medium’s popularity, there are three reasons why games, is important for education as a way of encouraging active citizenship.

  • In today’s society, playing a game is one of the most competitive forms of media consumption. Players must pay close attention to how the game was developed, and they must react to stimuli in the game.
  • Playing games is a natural part of young people’s media culture.
  • A growing number of online games with a social or political message are accessible. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will create games through the efforts of the American platform Games For Change.

Does it work?
Can games with a political and social content motivate young people to participate and get involved? Scientific researchers conducted a study of  possible use of games in relation to citizenship and social engagement. A U.S. study found that playing certain games strengthened social engagement, in which the simulation of social and political processes had a high learning yield. A small-scale qualitative study showed that gaming has a positive effect in knowledge of the players. It also appeared that players wanted to talk about the topic with their friends and family members. The issue became a part of the social network of the young person, which reinforces the social involvement of several people. This is also called ‘social facilitation’.

Poverty is Not a Game

Poverty is Not a Game that aims to make high school students aware of poverty as a political-social phenomenon. Students who had undergone positive change in general political interest in three months after playing the game, had spoken a lot with their friends and family about poverty. Research shows that for a small group of players, contribute to get political interest after playing. Some researchers argued especially to those young people who are already interested in political and social issues who play these games. But playing such games will have little or no impact on those who are not politically or socially interested, according to  researchers in their study. They say follow-up research should reveal exactly how the described mechanisms work. The results show the importance of the social environment of young people. The interaction between the game and discussions with their friends makes the difference. The researchers conclude that the game introduce a subject to players in which it is processed in a social context.

Games and citizenship
According to researchers online games that put political and social issues on the agenda can have positive effects. After playing, people are more likely to talk to others about the subject like playing ‘ afk arena list 2020 ‘. Biggest challenge in using games in education lies in the context of the game itself. There is strong evidence that the interaction between the experiences,  the player has through the game and the discussions he or she subsequently makes a difference. The research is modest and still in its infancy, but the first results are optimistic.


Politics Is Behind On Our Health


The current costs of corona are a pittance compared to the costs that we as a society have the prospect of. This doesn’t refer to the consequences of a possible second wave. If the coronavirus has shown us one thing, it is the worth of our health. At the moment, good health is worth more than gold.

Aside from Corona, people are becoming unhealthier. According to Public Health 58 percent of the population now has a chronic illness. This is because we are getting older, but it is also due to the fact that more people are suffering from lifestyle diseases. High work pressure is something that we are increasingly impose on ourselves, both physically and mentally. People must be accommodated with this. Unfortunately, the sector has the most negative future prospects. Absenteeism in health care is already the highest average problem.

In addition, the demand for healthcare personnel is constantly increasing. To be able to meet this requirement, one in four workers will have to be employed in healthcare. It is clear that this is not going to happen. As a result, there is a severe shortage of healthcare workers because of the work pressure, rising absenteeism, less staff, and rising prices.

Meanwhile, over 1,600 healthcare specialists as well as a variety of top athletes and sporting organizations’, are working to make the world a better environment. This is helpful not only in the fight against the virus, but also in terms of our savings accounts. If we continue like this, a bigger crisis will be imminent.


Healthcare is the most expensive aspect of the budget. However, it is expected that the expense will increase next year. When you compare those annual extra expenses to the government’s one-time assistance program, the problem becomes clear.

The government and health insurers will have to show more decisiveness. The health initiatives of recent years do not show any progressive insight. A government that manages to raise the price for healthy food with dry eyes and lower the price of sweets, snacks and sugar is not engaged in health promotion.

The initiative to make lifestyle coaches accessible to the public turns out to be nothing more than a façade. This is partly due to the strict regulations that lifestyle coaches must comply with. Lifestyle coaches ultimately have so little left over from their coaching that they themselves cannot even live a healthy life.

So, if we want to prevent the next crisis, we’ll have to get to work; eat healthier and maintaining our body by exercising to reduce ‘ weight loss ‘ , learn to cope more with work pressure, and have a better night’s sleep. This are minor steps to keep us all from being placed on long and expensive waiting lists.

Furniture and Political Power


The Politics of Furniture shows that furniture can play a role in political terms as well as being functional and aesthetic. Post-war interior identity, diplomacy, and Persuasion. A collection of essays on the symbolic meaning of post-war modern furniture

Although most postwar contemporary furniture was meant to communicate a “international and in certain respects apolitical modern language,”.  It proved perfectly suited to transmit a particular ideological message. From the start of the Cold War to the second oil crisis in 1979, the political eloquence of postwar furniture design is fundamental to The Politics of Furniture.

Furniture, just like people, is an important actor in political power processes. Furniture pieces are material expressions of power; design – including furniture – is political. Recent literature on architecture and design during the Cold War has shown that specific buildings and design. Products were specially developed to communicate certain political messages.

In order to decipher the political meanings of post-war furniture design. It is important to visualize the systems and mechanisms of production, distribution, promotion and consumption. Research into the object alone is not enough, an object only acquires meaning within its context. By emphasizing the historical, economic and political context it gives way to understanding the politics of furniture design.

How Does 19th Century Politics Impact Furniture Design



The Relationship between architecture and national identity has been investigated more often in the past. It is a recurring theme, especially when studying diplomatic buildings. Embassy buildings are the physical representation of a nation in another country. This represent function that makes embassy buildings extremely symbolic office buildings. For example, in Saarinen’s London embassy design, interior and exterior went hand in hand to create a positive image of the Americans among the British. Goad, on the other hand, shows that the Australians in Washington DC consciously opted for a neutral, diplomatic design, based on the example of the American. ‘Good Neighbor Policy‘, while the interior was rather a showroom of national was proud. The few studies of embassy architecture mainly focus on the architectural design and materialization of the exterior. It shows that furniture also plays an important role in the representation of the country abroad.

A number of interiors were discussed in the books were carefully staged ‘settings’ designed by architects, interior designers and furniture manufacturers. In response to specific political visions, wishes and needs of clients. In many cases these interiors are no longer present or have been changed in such a way that the original meaning is no longer clear. A building has been completed or users are making changes to the interior. By replacing, removing or adding objects, the interior is provided with new meanings and stories. According to Floré and McAtee, the original stories of which the furniture was once a part form of content. This applies to both architecture and design (including furniture), The Politics of Furniture no longer under discussion. If we want to keep furniture from being “meaningless vintage items,” as Floré and McAtee correctly described it.



Importance Of Social Media In Election Campaign

Research by The Best Social Media platform among the 30,000 Instagram followers shows that 15 percent of this group follows a politician, and only 13 percent a political party on social media. If you want more to become famous you can ‘buy Instagram likes cheap‘ to attract more followers on your Instagram.

Never before have political parties made so much use of social media during election campaigns

We not only look at Belgium, but also at the US, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Facebook and Twitter are the ideal media for politicians to communicate directly (without the intervention of the press) with the voter. Personal opinions and realizations, but also party propaganda can be sent unfiltered. But perhaps more importantly: they can enter into a conversation with their target group. We are convinced that social media will not only bring politicians closer to citizens but will also help them to interact. Social media allows politicians to share their opinion, expertise, or vision on themes that are alive in their city or municipality. In this way, they quickly become more relevant to their voting audience. By using social media (not only during the campaigns) the election candidates become more authentic and they can also reach that younger, more difficult target group. The more well-known, the lesser, the more (preference) votes. That’s what politicians can achieve with social media. Do voters also know the politician online? Do they (regularly) see him or her pass by in their timeline? What image do they have of the politician?

Offers perspectives for a better (more participatory) policy, building credibility, and for a better campaign

On March 12, 2016, we came across an interesting tweet on Twitter that we would like to share with you: “A good politician campaigns for 6 years, you have to earn your voters, every day. Do what you say, say what you do.” Social media are just the right tools for this, simple but essential! Research also shows that social media has a positive influence on the number of preference votes that candidates received. Candidates who use social media during the municipal election campaign receive 7 percent more votes than candidates who did not. In comparison, rising one place on the electoral list produces more votes (namely 53 percent more votes). The research shows that the use of social media has a positive effect. On the other hand, this effect should not be exaggerated. The voters who will be reached directly through social media are still limited. When politicians make full use of and deploy their social media channels, they are not only reachable online, they also become more relevant to their constituents. As a result, they see the politician’s commitment and vision in a systematic way, so that they know better what he stands for. Finally, social media provide more online visibility, which only enhances the credibility of a local politician. Politicians do not build credibility in one day, not even during a campaign period. It’s something they have to work on in the long term. It is therefore essential to start early and to deal with it consciously. This way they can reap the benefits during a campaign period.

In addition, journalists also play a huge role in furthering the influence of social media. Journalists follow that social media and many politicians as a ‘news source’. Research shows that journalists often cite social media messages, such as tweets, in their articles. In this way, tweets reach a much larger audience and a candidate receives a lot of publicity. Scientists, therefore, emphasize that social media through traditional media may have a much greater influence than social media on its own. In this way, we get a nice interaction between social and traditional media. Publicity and attention are usually always positive and are likely to lead to more votes. Because as we already wrote: the more famous, the more loved, the more preferential votes. Especially in local elections: people vote for people. There are fewer undecided voters at the time of voting.


Can Social Media Affect Politics?

The Netherlands is representative democracy: citizens elect political representatives and they make decisions on their behalf. Citizens have final control because they can send their representatives away after some time. But citizens do not have a direct daily influence. Many find this hopelessly outdated.

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There is also an alternative: direct democracy. Citizens have a direct influence because they are asked to give their opinion in all kinds of decisions. Citizens then make their own decisions or do so together with politicians. This is an ideal that has often been put forward by a party like D66 in the past. Nowadays, the PVV is especially in favor of it. Many feel that this is more appropriate for this time.

Many citizens are present on all kinds of social media. These media have also become a medium for citizens to talk about politics. Yet the question is whether all citizens use social media equally for political matters. That is not true. On the internet, it is mainly the higher educated, men and young people who are politically active. When we listen to the opinions of citizens on the internet, we only listen to this part of the population. This is also known as ‘diploma democracy’: the higher educated get the chance to shout out the lower educated. The higher educated often have different opinions and interests than the less educated. They often also have different party preferences. It is therefore a problem if we start listening to ‘the citizen’ via social media.

Politicians in the Netherlands have become insecure. There are floating voters, declining party supporters, fewer volunteers, and many disaffected citizens. This creates a need to listen better to citizens, but listening is still not their main task. Most politicians have a part-time position. During that time they have to do many things: hold meetings, maintain party contacts, read documents, obtain information, and speak to the media.

The question, however, is what happens when politicians start listening to citizens. Politicians mainly come across a lot of irrelevant information online. Many opinions of citizens are not substantiated, many arguments of citizens were already known, there may be new information to be found, but filtering it out takes a lot of time, and there is no guarantee whatsoever that new information will come out of the statements of citizens at all.

In a direct democracy, the same citizens are active who are active today in our representative democracy. The majority are not active and only sometimes vote. Many citizens are already tired when elections are held too often. Still, active citizens want to make their voices heard more often and advocate more direct democracy. However, this is primarily an opportunity to permanently overpower others. The existing problem of diploma democracy is getting worse. So there are many similarities between a representative and direct democracy. A small group of citizens is an active and real dialogue between citizens and politicians is scarce because it is physically impossible and there is simply a lack of time. Politicians also have to meet together. In a direct democracy, however, there is more pressure on politicians to enter into dialogue, and the chance that citizens will have influence increases. The question remains whether all citizens will make equal use of it. Probably not, and then the question still arises who exactly gets along with all those active citizens.


Work-Related Political Games That Are Dangerous

Dirty games are often played in the workplace, which can have a negative impact on the results of teamwork, especially in projects.

The political behaviors

1. Constantly blaming others
Clear communication by program and project leaders can prevent useless finger pointing. Pointing fingers and blaming someone else rarely leads to better results. Rather, it leads to shame, mistrust and hiding mistakes in the future

2. Only focus on the managers for the benefit of your career
Professionals at every level must demonstrate that they value the contributions of each employee. You don’t have to pay service to people because there are project leaders that also good in relationship management.

3. Form a barrier between management and the shop floor
Project leaders must encourage and circulate ideas and initiatives, no matter where they come from. Establishing barriers between management and employees is not in the interest of those involved. It is also good for the success of a project if a project leader can arrange meetings between managers and other employees.

4. Create conflict without a solution
At the start of each project, the project manager must communicate to have a clear expectations. This creates a team of critical thinkers who think ahead and focus on the success.

5. Benefit like-minded people
A project manager should avoid personal preferences as much as possible. Real progress and innovation often comes from allowing and stimulating other experiences. A professional should encourage diversity in approach in order to find the best solutions. But the focus should always be on the stakeholders.

6. Abuse of influence
Project leaders need to be close to the progress of initiatives, because things can suddenly take the wrong turn. A project manager has a responsibility to remind each party to limit their influence to serving the needs of those involved. Unresolved issues such as subtle sabotage and stealthy behavior can be very damaging at any level of the organization and destroy the outcomes of a project. The professional must work with clients and managers to address them immediately and eliminate them.

Watch: The Best Way to Play Office Politics

7. No reciprocity in sharing knowledge
Project leaders should convince all project participants of the benefits of sharing knowledge. They should also point out the risks to project goals if they do not. Project leaders can help allay the personal fear and uncertainty that often underlie keeping information to oneself.

8. Gossip and lies about others
This particular problem is difficult to counter because nonsense is, to some extent, a natural part of human nature as long as it is not destructive. It is important for project managers to set a good example themselves and to create expectations. The project leader must convey that gossip and lies are not accepted.

9. Take credit for other people’s work and ideas
No employee will be happy that someone else (colleague or manager) takes unfair credit for his or her work. Appreciation must radiate directly on the individual who made that contribution. Most employees do not mind sharing the honor as long as they see their own share in it being appreciated. This can lead to a lack of confidence which can ultimately be detrimental to the future.

Processes and consequences can be muddled, harmed, or even irritated in a political workplace. Political games can expand from one person to multiple roles within an organization. The essence and strength of games vary based on the level of the organization, such as improving your rank game using ‘valorant elo boosting‘. This will help you in boosting your game level.


Understanding Both Media and its connection to Politics

This policy proposal on the media builds public understanding of the standpoint appealing effects of the media, grasps opportunities and issues connected to the media, it also encourages discussions on solutions to those issues. It is something that tries.

Today, very few people, whether in our society today everyone in different industries know how to use the media. Tech professional and its other counter parts have to meet the chance and obstacles posed by the various features of social media. Rather, governments, businesses to work together to address the ever-growing social media ethical crisis and its consequences.

Social media and society

All forms of media have both the potential to amplify and solve social and political problems. The media is a channel of communication between human beings, and it may realize social goods or political goods, or it may destroy them.

Social property is a term that refers to things that are useful for social relations, such as education, clean water, medical care, safety, empathy, understanding, and community consciousness. Political goods are institutions that protect and create social goods, the rule of law, and the decision-making process.

Social media has at least six aspects (6V): volume, variety, velocity, value, veracity, and variability.

Clearly different from other media. Social media has greatly improved the ability of diverse people and groups to communicate, share information, collaborate and take joint actions without any institutional or organizational guidance (quantitative scale and diversity). sex).

Furthermore, it has become possible to spread information, images, and videos at an unprecedented speed (speed). However, the quality and type of information is extremely uncertain (value, credibility, variability).

Social media triggers emotions in the brain, making complex thinking difficult. It is the frontal lobe of the brain that governs democratic debate, critical thinking that distinguishes facts from fiction, and creative problem-solving. The work of the frontal lobe is indispensable for building society, analyzing public problems, and creating solutions and innovations that improve social and political goods and using Let’s Fly Wisely is a fun thing to use to view the sky.

Opportunities brought by social media

Since the late 1990s, many people have come to think that social and political goods can be expected to improve by connecting people through social media, gaining power, and making it easier to obtain information.

Today, almost half of the world’s population uses social media to exchange ideas, photos and videos. Governments and civil society organizations are using social media to help social and political goods in a variety of ways.

Design a platform that encourages empathy, dialogue and discussion

To change the current state of social media driving polarization and violence, tech companies seek advice from a new generation of conflict transformation experts familiar with facilitating social transformation, dialogue and social cohesion.

People working in the areas of peacebuilding and conflict transformation have special training and hands-on experience in intergroup conflict resolution procedures, coordinating complex peace processes, and coordinating communities.

Internet guiding the view of Politics

With the general increase in internet use, the potential for digital political information and political participation and structuring options via the internet increases.

The online medium opens up new potential for participation, as the user – in contrast to newspapers or television – does not have to remain solely in his role as a recipient of the information offer, but rather actively help shape the media offer and use the Internet and its services as a platform for political activity.

The new opportunities for participation and design become particularly clear with the expanded perception and use of the Internet, which are referred to with the catchphrase Web 2.0 and increasingly with the term social media.

The Internet or the World Wide Web is not only becoming a platform for the supply of many hypertext linked sites, mostly institutional providers, but is increasingly becoming an application environment for communication, interaction.

Internet use is changing to active design

In which own multimedia content is generated, networked with other users and published on portals. The range and quality of these activities exceed the possibilities of an individual, which can be seen in the importance of prominent social media platforms such as the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the social network Facebook or the short message service Twitter.

Overall, with the technological advancement of the Internet, one can potentially speak of the upgrading of the audience compared to conventional media. In any case, the creation and dissemination of content by simple users (weblogs, audio / video files, citizen journalism offers) indicates a change in the political and media area, as competition for established media players is growing.

Online information

With the Internet, citizens can easily access a quantitative and qualitative range of political information. This is offset by a lack of time resources and political disinterest on the part of the users, as well as the information overload and uncertainty about the credibility of the political online offer associated with the expansion of the offer.

In the case of special political events, the importance of online information increases. Due to the free distribution of information, the speed of online communication and the high degree of networking, spectacular news can be disseminated online at lightning speed and take effect.

Political actors

Recently made increasing use of entries in social networks or Twitter short messages to report on political events in real time and without going through journalists, although the news content is often limited.

The offer of political information includes efforts by parliaments and → administrations – especially at local level – to make political work in committees, decision-making and results transparent online and to give the population the chance to participate. In view of the general political user behavior outlined, it can be doubted whether this will increase interest in local politics.

Online communication

Online communication represents the next level of political activation after information. This refers to citizens who not only read political blogs, but also regularly write articles, chat with their MPs or want to be regularly informed about the ideas and activities of their constituency MPs.

Even if not every politician answers and only a few citizens (the portal reports 400,000 monthly visitors) take part, these portals open up the opportunity for a new transparency of parliamentary work, for direct contact between elected and voters and for a virtual memory of the Voting behavior of parliamentarians.


Numbers on the Rise: Engaging Politics Online

The Internet is playing an increasingly important role in communicating politics and in promoting political commitment among citizens. It offers new opportunities for information, communication and participation, which are used in a variety of ways, especially by young people.

Important potentials of the new medium are seen in its possible contribution to the democratization of society: through better information and participation opportunities, citizens could help shape all areas of life more actively and thus strengthen citizen-friendly democracy.

However, the development of Internet use to date also shows the danger of a “digital split” in society due to a growing gap between users and non-users. This development can create or intensify social inequalities, as the level of education, social status and gender affiliation determine the possibilities for information and political participation.

The number of Internet users is increasing every year

In 2007, 40.8 million People aged 14 and over were online (62.7%). All major parties, organizations and associations are represented on the internet, but also NGOs, associations and alternative political projects. There is a wide range of political activities on the Internet (e.g. chats with politicians, collections of signatures, web discussions), online magazines, Internet portals and information sites.

Spaces for more open communication

it potentially enables the participation and free expression of opinion for all interested parties who can communicate with like-minded and dissenters without ideological and party-political boundaries.

The structure of communication and participation appears to be more equal than real debates and traditional forms of engagement; The usual influencing factors – such as age or social status – have less weight in the virtual space.

The network offers free availability of diverse, up-to-date, inexpensive and quickly retrievable information and public access to knowledge for broad sections of the population . This enables citizens to obtain comprehensive and independent information, but also to spread their own concerns online.

The internet allows communication without time or space restrictions and defies traditional hierarchies and authorities. B. in the public communication rooms of the virtual communities, all interested parties to speak and discuss with each other.

The Internet is not only used for peaceful contact and tolerant communication

It can also support violent actions and provide a forum for content that is politically or morally questionable or prohibited (e.g. violations of the protection of minors, racism, political extremism). In addition, there are specific forms of Internet crime that are linked to the possibilities of the new medium, such as spam emails or exchange rings for child pornography.

Combating these phenomena is often difficult because the Internet crosses national borders and thus severely restricts the options for political intervention and control.

The development of the Internet and its use to date shows that the euphoric hopes for comprehensive democratization have not been fulfilled, but political processes can be more transparent and new information, communication and participation opportunities have emerged and using town planning consultants Perth for town planning and architectural design.

The New Era of Propaganda on Facebook and Instagram?

Social networks like Facebook and Instagram become self-reinforcing echo chambers. Services like Buy Instagram followers can help you gain followers and views instantly. Dissenting views and comments are excluded and filtered. Conspiracy theorists, trolls and social bots have taken command. Bouncers that filter in advance and separate garbage from opinion are missing. The Internet, controlled by a few media monopolies, has lost its innocence as the hopeful of liberal democracy.

On the future of political communication beyond personalization, profiling and populism. Do we need to correct our image of man? Since the enlightenment 250 years ago, man has been regarded as a rational being – capable of freeing himself from his self-inflicted immaturity. In an enlightened society, facts, not feelings, decide. Statistics take precedence over sentiments. The power of argument beats the mass of the mob. But thanks to the new networking opportunities through social media, millions of individuals are suddenly flocking to opinion bubbles and hate storms. Big data and social media are changing communication. In the new attention economy, the degree of excitement determines ratings and approval.

The bad news is that we must say goodbye to the utopia of a global electronic democracy. The good news is that we do not have to capitulate to the dystopia of electronic populism and its post-factual propaganda.


Classical political communication is struggling with the trend of self-swelling campaign communication. It usually sends a message to all citizens. Where governments do not communicate with their citizens in a modern and targeted manner, these alternative sources of information turn to. More and more people are learning about social media and less about mass media such as television and newspapers.


In many countries, calls are increasing for state intervention against false news. Politicians are putting pressure on and have called on some social networks to crack down on hate comments and fake news. Facebook has already acted. An NGO is now fighting “fake news”. The approach is similar to the fight against windmills. The German Greens are even calling for a labelling requirement for social bots, in order to prevent programs that pretend to be real people on social media. The boundaries between opinions, facts and misinformation are often fluid. The post-factual age will not be overcome by state and entrepreneurial means alone. Behind them lies a pessimistic image of the electorate that is easy to manipulate.

Can elections be won in the future with the help of digital manipulation? The election winners and their strategists and service providers would like to make us believe this. Resistance would then be futile. But propaganda only works in the long run in a dictatorship. Humans are not machines. Their political preferences cannot be measured with the help of algorithms from measurement data, however precise they may be. Not Facebook and Google are to blame for filter bubbles and hate speech, man is it. The loss of trust in politics and the media is deeper. The hatred and the bubbles have existed before. The new propaganda machines are symptoms and accelerators, but not causes of the post-factual renaissance of a society of ignorance.


How it changed the Game: Internet & Politics

The widespread use of new information and communication technologies is today one of the fundamental factors of world development. The global Internet, as a fundamentally new interactive communication channel, plays an essential role in all spheres of society, including political. Information and communication technologies today open up new effective means of communication between citizens, political institutions and government.

In this regard, the study of Internet technologies of political communications, addressed directly to public opinion, mass consciousness, and the political behavior of large groups of people and individuals, seems to be especially relevant.

Most of the politicians

Created network projects did not believe that the use of Internet technologies would bring them any practical benefits. This stereotype led to the emergence of many Internet resources, the owners of which did not quite understand why they needed them. Visually and substantively, such sites were, as a rule, of the same average quality, since they were created according to the same template by non-professional developers.

After the owner of the resource lost the initial interest in the Internet (which was often associated with disappointment in new technologies, but in reality – with the loss of faith in the myth about the Internet), such sites were closed, as happened with most of the online representations of political figures after the elections.

The rapid development of the information and political sector of the Internet in the early 2000s made the Network a full-fledged source of information, a working tool for journalists.

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The advantage of Internet communication is feedback, which has become so rare in political public relations using traditional communication channels. It is obvious that representatives of the ruling party are practically absolute leaders in terms of their presence in the “traditional” media space, primarily television.

Political Internet communications

Are becoming an increasingly important player on the political scene. Options for the presence of political relations with the public on the Internet: sites of a political party, bloc, politicians; e-mailing; Forums, online conferences; chats, internet ratings, e-voting, blogs, social networks, video hosting (YouTube).

In today’s reality, no self-respecting political candidate can ignore social media. It is necessary for a politician to be present on the Big Four networks: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr. As the world’s most popular and fastest growing networks, they represent four different ways to publish information and connect with voters:

The use of social media resources

It is the main direction in the development of political relations with the public on the Internet. Moreover, new technologies lead to the gradual formation of a new style of public relations based on a genuine dialogue between civil society and the authorities.

It is obvious that Internet technologies are gradually becoming one of the most important tools of political communication, at the same time serving as a criterion for a democratic political process and a guarantee of the successful development of civil society institutions.


Turning the Tide: Election Campaigns

Election campaigns can only be carried out from the time the candidacy notification is received on the public (notification) day to the day before the election day. Even during this period, it is said that repeated calls and street speeches in election campaign cars will be held from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Election campaigns during other periods are prohibited.

Even though the elections haven’t started, the sound trucks are spinning around. Isn’t it illegal?

Depending on the content and timing of the sound truck, it will be judged as an election campaign or a political activity. Election campaigns are only possible during the campaign period. Political activity is restricted during the campaign period, but in principle there is no restriction during the rest of the period. The police will crack down on election campaign violations.

The voices of campaign cars and street speeches are noisy

The period and method of election campaigns are determined by law, and it is permissible to make a series of street speeches and names using the loudspeakers of election campaign vehicles.

In fact, it is sometimes criticized for being noisy, but for candidates, it is also trying to appeal to voters within the limits stipulated by law, so please understand the voters during the campaign period. I would like to ask. In addition, it is said that tranquility must be maintained around schools, hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities.

A politician official came to my house saying, “I want you to become a member of the supporters’ association,” but isn’t it an election violation?

Purely solicitation to join the supporters’ association is allowed as a political activity. However, if it is held during the election campaign period, there is a high possibility that it will be an election violation, and if it is held just before the election even if it is not during the election campaign period, there is a risk of election violation as a preliminary campaign.

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I put an election campaign poster on the wall without permission. Can I remove it myself?

The Public Offices Election Law stipulates that posters should be placed on the land, buildings, etc. of others after obtaining the consent of the resident. It is stipulated that the resident may peel off the poster attached without the permission of the resident.

Make sure that no one in your family has consented before peeling. Regarding the disposal of posters after peeling off, there is also a problem of property rights, so it is better to contact the camp and have them pick it up.

Prohibition of providing food and drink

Regarding election campaigns, it is prohibited for candidates to provide to candidates and campaigners, as well as to provide to candidates and campaigners. However, tea and commonly used sweets and fruits are excluded. We can also provide a certain number of bento boxes to give to campaigners.


Is Everything Political Or Non-Political?

You can read the title of my weblog in two ways. Yes or no with the brackets. How you read this may depend on how you are in public administration or how you view politics. And that is not very strange. Both movements occur among administrators and politicians.


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Everything is political
On the one hand, there are the politicians for whom everything is political. On the one hand, they make use of compelling visions, but also regularly make use of pre-hopeless motions. After all, symbolic politics is also political. Or make politics of agendas and procedures. Policy continuity is not important to them. If it is more convenient to change course, it will. Everything is political. This is often tiring and disruptive and that is sometimes the very goal of the politicians involved. For them, politics is not the means, but the end.

Not everything is political
On the other hand, there are politicians who emphasize that not everything is political. For them, there are fixed values, fundamental principles, and lines within which a politician operates and which people want to adhere to. Governance continuity is of paramount importance to these politicians. They name subjects and seize moments that transcend politics. They put the rule of law and good governance first in their actions and they also want to keep the debate in order. These politicians apply a kind of political hygiene.

Consistency of policy
Neither of these two styles is left or right. These styles can be found on both sides of the political spectrum. Yet the style in which ‘everything is political’ is dominant is not good for our country, provinces and municipalities. Inhabitants need stability, reliability, perspective, and trust-inspiring leadership. Not a street fight or ‘village politics’. This requires a certain consistency of policy and a certain distance from the issues of the day. And exactly this also applies to the relationships between the levels of government.

Dealing with administrative structure and financial system agreements
Financial and administrative relationships require care, consistency, and restraint. Yes, political principles prevail over technocratic implementation. Yes, that can and must be tinkered with a certain regularity. Yes, system agreements must also go along and be adapted to the times in which we live. However, taking an opportunistic approach to administrative structure and financial system agreements quickly leads to cluttered up and – political or financial – accidents and, at some point, an inevitable failure of policy or problems in implementation. Everyone knows from their own domestic experience: if you do not regularly clean up the shed and just mess around, there is only one option waiting at any time: the big cleaning. There is much more to it than just keeping it in order.

Decentralization and the financial system
In the meantime, the sounds are getting louder: the decentralization in its current form is stagnating (SCP) or, according to some, rattling on all sides(Foundation decentralized administration). In addition to all the otherwise good analyzes that apply to this, in my view, this also has everything to do with the hasty transfer in 2015, the enormous budgetary interventions that went with it, and the political capriciousness with which the decentralization had to contend in recent years on both policy and financial level. Depending on the political whims, interim interventions in policy were or were not taken. And depending on what did or did not ‘work out’ politically, they decided on (usually no) money. Too little policy space for municipalities and too little money for the requested task performance. That does not go well for long. Meanwhile, the administrative and financial system is squeaking and creaking at the seams.


Politicians | Political Statement With Their Clothing

Everything has been thought about: from the color tie to rolling up sleeves. Together with image expert Zabeth van Veen, we check out the outfits of some of our own politicians.

Days like Prinsjesdag are the perfect opportunity to make a political statement through looks and clothing. For example, Carla Dik-Faber (CU) wore a dress made of old train seat upholstery in 2015 to draw attention to recycled material and sustainable public transport. In 2018, Esther Ouwehand (PvdD) wore a dress with 1,200 crosses that represented the 1,200 animals slaughtered every minute in the Netherlands. But statements are made with clothing not only during Prinsjesdag, this also happens during debates in the House of Representatives.

The blue suit
We often see politicians appear in a blue suit. Why exactly that color? “Blue subconsciously gives a feeling of reliability. That is why pilots and the navy often wear this color, ”explains image expert Zabeth van Veen. The examination of the California State University shows that in Western countries is very important in contrast clothing. For example, a dark blue suit with a white shirt radiates authority. In other countries, completely different rules apply when it comes to color.

Not only the suit but also the tie is considered. For example, have you ever noticed that Mark Rutte (VVD) never wears a red tie, but Geert Wilders (PVV) and Pieter Heerma (CDA) do? “Red is the color of the PvdA, but it is also a color that requires attention. Do you want the eyes on you? Then you choose red. ” According to Zabeth, you unconsciously look first at the person with a red tie. “Research has also shown that 80 percent of people consider a person with a dark blue suit, a white shirt, and a red tie to be the most decisive and effective leader.”

Clothing as a marketing tool
If we zoom in on the personal clothing choices of politicians, we quickly arrive at the set that Mark Rutte has been wearing for years when he meets the people. Arjen Lubach has already made an item about this. When Rutte goes on a campaign, he almost always ‘buy‘ and wears a light shirt, a hoodie, and a blue padded jacket. “Rutte looks a bit like the average student. If he would look extremely fashionable, people would immediately think: why does he have time for that. Actually, you can never do it right.”

Turtleneck and rolled up sleeves
Another thing that we see more and more among politicians lately is wearing a turtleneck sweater in combination with a jacket. We saw this among others with Farid Azarkan (DENK) and Jesse Klaver (GL). “It’s winter, of course, but a turtleneck sweater also radiates intellect. Consider, for example, Steve Jobs. It suits GroenLinks and Klaver can take it well.”

The sneakers from Kaag
Finally, we must also talk about the clothing of women in the House of Representatives. Zabeth is convinced that women should earn more than men when you consider the clothes that need to be purchased. “Men have a few suits and shirts and then it’s okay. Women are viewed much more critically. If a woman puts on the same outfit five times in two weeks or if their hair is not in the right place, the reaction is much more violent.”

Outstanding colors
Another thing that stands out is that women often wear colorful clothes. Just look at Lilianne Ploumen (PvdA), Esther Ouwehand, Corrie van Brenk (50Plus) or Lilian Marijnissen (SP). “That way you can stand out, but politicians have to be careful with bright colors. Striking colors look very good with Lilianne Ploumen, but with Lilian Marijnissen it could just be that the colors run away with her, so to speak. That has to do with what color type you are. That all works very technically.”


Way to Do Market Research

Factors of Market Research

Demographic factor
The number of inhabitants of a country, region or city, their age, income, occupation, marital status all these demographic elements can influence your marketing, sales, pricing and distribution policy. If you sell comfort products for the third age, you have to check in a market how many people belong to your target group and how wealthy they are. The aging population in many countries will, for example, increase the demand for certain medicines and orthopedic products.

Economic factors
Important economic factors to investigate are government debt and the country’s main sources of income. It is also a good idea to find out how and with which trade organizations and partners the country is connected. Flemish organizations can help you on the spot with specific market mechanisms and specificities. Are they present? And if you will be professionally active there, which tax system applies and what salary scales can you expect? The country’s growth figures is the country showing and what are the forecasts.

Social and cultural factors
Check the number of working hours, breaks, customs and habits, the importance of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, child labor, leisure activities and interest groups. In many countries, English is the business language, but you should not assume that it is the case everywhere. There is a time difference with almost all emerging countries. Be sure to check which standards and values ​​are relevant to your export plans. The local culture can have a very big impact on your sales and activities locally. It’s important to know the culture and religion of the country you are moving to.

Technological factors
New technologies lead to new products and processes. Smartphones, navigation devices and HD televisions are the result of technological advancements. E-commerce and QR codes are evolutions in the way we do business, thanks to improved technology. Technology reduce costs, improve quality and lead to innovation. These developments have advantages for the business world and for the consumer. For example, the use of ICT for orders and payments leads to less work and fewer errors.

Ecological factors
Environmental analysis mainly involves analyzing weather patterns and climate cycles. During the rainy season, certain transport systems are not active in some regions. During periods of extreme drought, boats and ships cannot navigate the waterways. These cyclical weather patterns have a greater impact in developing countries, where transport infrastructure still needs to be modernized. The growing desire to protect nature and the environment is influencing the development of new products such as fuel-efficient cars.

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Political and Legal Factors

Political Factors
The political system helps shape the economy. The degree to which the government of your target market interferes with business has profound implications for your export plans. Be sure to check the attitude towards foreign investors. In some countries there are non-tariff barriers such as embargoes, which can seriously hinder your activities. Cumbersome bureaucracy and corruption make obtaining certificates or permits a hell of a job. A favorable tax policy might win you over.

Legal factors
New laws and regulations are changing the behavior of companies. What regulations will the exporting country subject you to as a foreign organization? The legal factors apply in different areas:

  • Consumer Protection
  • Competition Law
  • Labor Law
  • Health and Safety Legislation
  • Trade Policy Measures
  • Importing Tax

Why Is It Necessary To Pay For Election Programs?

Today, the mathematicians of the Central Planning Board present the calculation of the election programs. They did so for the first time in 1986 and now, 35 years later, it is an almost indispensable aspect of the campaign. But how useful is this tradition?

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This year, 10 parties voluntarily made use of the CPB’s math skills: VVD, CDA, D66, GroenLinks, SP, PvdA, ChristenUnie, SGP, Denk and 50Plus. 2000 measures taken by the parties have been calculated and this shows that these parties mainly want to spend more money. This increases purchasing power, as does the budget deficit and the national debt. Our children and grandchildren will pay for this, the CPB said this morning. The PVV, the Party for the Animals, and the Forum for Democracy do not do this for several reasons.


“The calculations are useful for indicating direction, but should not lead to discussions,” says Sweder van Wijnbergen, an economist at the University of Amsterdam. During Kok’s first cabinet, he was also secretary-general at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. He explains that the parties are now using the calculations in debates in order to find a better solution themselves. “Since the first calculation years ago, politicians have been using those statistics as a foundation for the discussion. Then, for example, in such a debate a politician brings up that his party will provide 2,000 more jobs. Those numbers are not important at all,” he said. it must be about the content. ”


There is an enormous margin of uncertainty about the calculations of the CPB. “The models used for the calculation are so large that they contain many estimates. The CPB itself indicates that, by the way.” The advantages in numbers that politicians stroll with during these debates are therefore not at all accurate or relevant, says Van Wijnbergen.


In addition, the models used for the calculation are not completely public. “I don’t like that about the calculations. I think it should be more transparent, now the calculations cannot be checked.” Van Wijnbergen thinks that this is because the calculations will probably be criticized. “They are not waiting for that.” Another disadvantage of the calculation, according to Van Wijnbergen, is that sometimes abuse is made of the calculation. “The parties now know what they need to respond to. The parties then coordinate their measures in such a way that they get the desired results from the CPB calculation. That is good for the campaign.”


Apart from adjusting the measures, it is almost never the case that the calculation actually had an influence on the outcome of the elections, says Van Wijnbergen. The parties that decide not to participate in the calculation will not notice this much in the long term either. But that parties that do not do it, such as the PVV and the Party for the Animals, are viewed critically when choosing not to participate, Van Wijnbergen does not think so. “You can go to a party for that. If a party says: ‘I am not participating’, it actually shows that the plans may not yet be concrete enough and that sends the signal that the party does not know what they are going to do.”

Realistic plans

The most important argument for the calculation is that it forces politicians to make the election program concrete. “That is a big plus of the calculation. The parties have to make realistic plans, otherwise, it will become clear during the calculation.” If it were up to Van Wijnbergen, the tradition of calculating can therefore remain. “But more emphasis should be placed on the fact that they are just numbers, and that those numbers are only an indication, which can certainly be wrong.” Incidentally, we should not expect that from politics, says Van Wijnbergen. “We can continue to expect them to pay attention if, according to the calculation, their party really does generate more jobs, whether that is an indication or not.”

Elections | There’s A Lot Of Promises But Little Is Fulfilled

In an election battle, it is not who is right that counts, but who is right. This sometimes makes campaigns and debates entertainment, but more often a source of great irritation. Logic loses out to rhetoric. But as an audience, this is partly our own fault, because we determine what scores. A series by philosopher Arno Bouwes on logic and illogic in election time.

A good election slogan does not repel potential voters, it attracts them. The best slogans that they will print using the best printers such as ‘printer for avery labels‘ are a mirror in which everyone can see their own preferences reflected. The PvdA wants to “Move forward together. Let’s build the Netherlands together that everyone can be proud of”, D’66 “gets it done. Good work, good education, good care” and for the VVD it’s about “Normal. Doing it. . ” They are slogans that you can hardly disagree with, because moving forward, normal and good can mean something different for everyone. Even with many points of view, you can only agree. Hugo Borst visited all political parties and discovered to his great surprise that they all really want the same thing: good care. But of course, the party that strives for bad care, bad work, and bad education has yet to be founded. In the run-up to the elections, there is, therefore, a lot of shouting, but little said. Precisely because it is too little about the content, politicians talk about each other too often. Rutte lies, Buma is a pouting toddler, Jesse Klaver is a bad imitation of Obama and Wilders is insipid and indecent. The other is no good, but this doesn’t tell me who to vote for.

Everyone wants a better, just society that you can be proud of. But what does this look like? Nobody wants ambulance personnel to be abused, annoying neighbors, pollution, or heavy taxes. But how do we achieve this and what do we sacrifice for this? In other words: what are the choices we will soon face as a voter? If you are in doubt about who to vote for, you can start by asking yourself the following two questions: 1. What are the parties saying about their own content? And especially 2. Do they say something that you can also disagree with? A statement that you cannot disagree with is almost always meaningless.

The problem with meaningless positions is that political policy must eventually become concrete. The content comes later and with it the disagreement, division, and disappointment. The care plan will not get off the ground like this, Elke1 will simply become everyone for himself again and the new prime minister will (again) turn out to be a disappointment. You had imagined something different about “the Netherlands you can be proud of.” So let’s hope for election debates with propositions and substantiation that you can wholeheartedly agree with, but especially disagree with so that there is a clear choice in the elections.


Seniors And Politicians Conversation

BARENDRECHT – Representatives of all seven parties participating in the municipal elections in Barendrecht entered into a debate on Wednesday. They did this during the political afternoon of senior citizens’ associations KBO and PCOB. The venue was De Ontmoeting, which was occupied to the last seat.

Arie Slob (PCOB) managed the afternoon in a relaxed manner. The representatives were given three minutes to introduce themselves and their party to the seniors who arrived. Ada Dekker did this for GroenLinks, Arjan Stolk on behalf of SGP-CU, Ed Mol on behalf of PvdA, Marianne Tijssen on behalf of D66, Simon Kelder on behalf of VVD, Peter Luijendijk on behalf of CDA and Lennart van der Linden on behalf of Echt for Barendrecht.

Then the audience was given the opportunity to ask questions. Important themes this afternoon were safety, (public) transport, the Service Center, a vacancy on the Middenbaan, and housing. But the first question was about the BAR collaboration and was put to Lennart van der Linden. He said that EVB is against merging. “We think cooperation is very important, but this model is not the perfect solution. We believe that part of the services should come back to Barendrecht. “Ed Mol responded clearly:” Getting out of the BAR cooperation is a completely idiotic plan. We finally have the tent in order. It has been researched: it works fine. ” Simon Kelder added by saying that merging is absolutely out of the question.

There was also talk of free public transport for people over 65, which all parties are enthusiastic about. It was mainly mentioned that there should be more stops and that the connection between old Barendrecht and Carnisselande should be much better. Peter Luijendijk about this: The local bus that will soon be running, really goes through the neighborhoods, so it will partly tackle that problem. ” Marianne Tijssen called on the seniors to let them know what they are missing or to raise this with RET themselves. , which covers the stops, among other things.

Another topic of discussion was the Service Center, where seniors can no longer go. But there is no alternative either. Ada Dekker indicated that a lot is planned where meetings will be possible in the future. One option is to create a meeting space in Borgstede if it receives a quality boost. Luijendijk gave the tip to approach the many schools in the neighborhoods. “They are open to outside users and often have an auditorium that is very suitable.”
The accessibility of the police also turned out to be a concern. Marianne Tijssen said that in the regional consultation it was stated that there is a need for more police officers in Barendrecht, but that the municipality is not about the police. The option to use BOAs and become a volunteer at Neighborhood Prevention was mentioned.

Finally, a lot of attention was paid to housing for seniors and modifications to the home. The lack of transparency of the WMO policy was discussed. And the question of why so many owner-occupied apartments in the high segment are being added was heard from several angles. There is now hardly anything available for the group that just missed out on social housing. Ed Mol about this: “There is no long-term vision. The strategy has always been to opt for expensive projects. And we are afraid of going up in Barendrecht, but such buildings can solve the problems. ” Van der Linden added that much social housing will also be built at the locations on the Botter and the Oude Postkantoor. If your senior love ones are having difficulty to walk you can buy and ‘choose the best narrow walkers for seniors‘ for them.

American Suffrage

The United States of America has been the Capitol of the world beginning at the end of World War 2 where it stood as a testimony towards freedom and liberty. However, unbeknownst to many of us, voting rights for everyone in the US of A isn’t as inclusive as it is today not until the 1960s. Today, let’s find out in this short TedTalk how did the USA fare towards a better and real Universal Suffrage.
