Understanding Both Media and its connection to Politics
Understanding Both Media and its connection to Politics

Understanding Both Media and its connection to Politics

This policy proposal on the media builds public understanding of the standpoint appealing effects of the media, grasps opportunities and issues connected to the media, it also encourages discussions on solutions to those issues. It is something that tries.

Today, very few people, whether in our society today everyone in different industries know how to use the media. Tech professional and its other counter parts have to meet the chance and obstacles posed by the various features of social media. Rather, governments, businesses to work together to address the ever-growing social media ethical crisis and its consequences.

Social media and society

All forms of media have both the potential to amplify and solve social and political problems. The media is a channel of communication between human beings, and it may realize social goods or political goods, or it may destroy them.

Social property is a term that refers to things that are useful for social relations, such as education, clean water, medical care, safety, empathy, understanding, and community consciousness. Political goods are institutions that protect and create social goods, the rule of law, and the decision-making process.

Social media has at least six aspects (6V): volume, variety, velocity, value, veracity, and variability.

Clearly different from other media. Social media has greatly improved the ability of diverse people and groups to communicate, share information, collaborate and take joint actions without any institutional or organizational guidance (quantitative scale and diversity). sex).

Furthermore, it has become possible to spread information, images, and videos at an unprecedented speed (speed). However, the quality and type of information is extremely uncertain (value, credibility, variability).

Social media triggers emotions in the brain, making complex thinking difficult. It is the frontal lobe of the brain that governs democratic debate, critical thinking that distinguishes facts from fiction, and creative problem-solving. The work of the frontal lobe is indispensable for building society, analyzing public problems, and creating solutions and innovations that improve social and political goods and using Let’s Fly Wisely is a fun thing to use to view the sky.

Opportunities brought by social media

Since the late 1990s, many people have come to think that social and political goods can be expected to improve by connecting people through social media, gaining power, and making it easier to obtain information.

Today, almost half of the world’s population uses social media to exchange ideas, photos and videos. Governments and civil society organizations are using social media to help social and political goods in a variety of ways.

Design a platform that encourages empathy, dialogue and discussion

To change the current state of social media driving polarization and violence, tech companies seek advice from a new generation of conflict transformation experts familiar with facilitating social transformation, dialogue and social cohesion.

People working in the areas of peacebuilding and conflict transformation have special training and hands-on experience in intergroup conflict resolution procedures, coordinating complex peace processes, and coordinating communities.
