Trick Or Vote

Trick Or Vote

You are a Citizen. Exercise Your Right To Vote. Know all the Rights Your are Entitled of.

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trick or vote media
The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen.
Louis Brandeis

The Power of Social Media Over Elections

Social media dramatically impacts our voting decisions and how we perceive the contest. It is an inexhaustible resource for politicians – they don’t have to look far for messages that will resonate with voters. Candidates can use social platforms as megaphones, not just as a way of connecting with voters but also as a tool for information gathering.

Social Media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have become prominent tools for influencing public opinion. One study proposed that social media platforms can influence up to 800,000 people to vote in an election. Social media platforms can promote positive engagement or incite harmful online behavior.

Americans are more likely to find and share information on the election on social media than on any other source. With the help of Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform, candidates can create their digital footprint and issue statements no matter how outrageous they are. 

93% of people use social media to get their news, 69% say they have changed their mind about an issue because of what they saw on social media, and 70% say they have been motivated to take action as a result of something they’ve seen on social media. The question remains: How much power does social media have over elections?

The rise of the internet, social media, and increasing interest in politics have changed how we view elections. Social media is an essential tool for politicians. Social Media does have some advantages over traditional media. 

  • Social media has been used for political activism worldwide, and it’s hard to ignore that it has influenced political conversations throughout election cycles.
  • Social media allows people to share their thoughts and opinions about the candidates in an election. 
  • Social media is not just a form of entertainment but also a powerful tool that can shape public opinion and even alter election outcomes.

Social media has transformed the way elections are conducted.

Social media is a powerful tool in elections and will continue to be. The 2017 US elections saw how social media was used extensively by President-elect Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There is an apparent power of social media, and if you are running for office, you can’t ignore it; it is crucial for any campaign.


Government And Top-Class Sport Relationship

The relationship between the state and top-class sport has a long tradition.

Political functions of sports

Top-class sports can fulfil domestic political functions. Social integration, the labor market, infrastructure and cultural significance can be related to the phenomenon of high-performance sport. On the other hand, top-class sport fulfils the function of national representation in relation to other nations and states.

With these important functions that elite sport can fulfil for state systems, it is not surprising that there is not a single state in the world today that does not make direct use of elite sport as an instrument. In order to achieve this, however, it is necessary for the state itself to make an effort to promote sport, with various options and instruments available to it.

Aside from monitoring betting related to sports such as, the state must make ways to promote sports.

cricket tips

Problems that successful sporting government has to solve

Finances must be made available in order to secure a cost-intensive high-performance sport in the medium and long term. This leads to the question of what financial contribution the state makes to promoting top-class sport?

In all successful sporting nations, talent must be spotted and defined as early as possible.

In all successful sporting nations, talented athletes must be supported over a longer period of time in order to lead them to top sporting performance. What support does the state provide for promoting talent?

All successful athletes, especially in Olympic sports, have to deal with the problem of the so-called dual career. What help does the state provide for the dual career of school?

Every top sporting nation requires the creative and intelligent control of qualitatively demanding training and well-founded competition control. This requires the support of science. What role does the government play in this context?

Elite sport requires extensive support from the mass media. What role does the government play in this?

The government has a special responsibility in relation to the question of talent identification, and the scientific monitoring of high-performance sport. Institutional state protection is required for each of these areas, with the education system being particularly challenged. With all other challenges, it is important that the government opens up the necessary catalytic possibilities so that the high-performance sports system itself can enter into a qualitatively demanding partnership with the necessary systems.

This applies equally to cooperation with business and to cooperation with the mass media. This is becoming increasingly important. These indications make it clear that modern high-performance sport is unthinkable without government funding.


Templates Platforms And Network Politics

Media and network policy has become a cross-sectional task as a result of digitization. Today it must set the framework for diversity and freedom of information. At the same time, it counteracts the violation of personal rights on the Internet. The point is to ensure the protection of individuals as users and at the same time their freedom as producers of information.

The economic environment has also changed. But a free and viable private press is essential to the cohesion of a democratic society. Another important basis is the balance between private and public broadcasting. It is therefore important to ensure that public broadcasting can also meet the requirements of the digital society.

Political education and advice must therefore keep in mind the irreplaceable value of the media for democracy. The goals are to maintain and strengthen the democratic public sphere, media diversity and quality journalism, also in the online formats that are becoming increasingly important.

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Media and network policy in focus

You live in a media-permeated society. The possibilities for disseminating and absorbing information have never been more numerous and varied than today. The major tasks of a media society lie in sorting, processing, passing on and analyzing content. In order to do justice to these tasks, the wide range of media offers and digital design mechanisms require rules and organizational frameworks, sound training and extended media skills.

Media policy must set the framework for as much freedom of information as possible, while at the same time counteracting an increasing violation of personal rights on the Internet. It must emphasize and defend the protection of the individual as a user, but at the same time as a producer of information.

The work of journalists in a new media landscape policy

Journalists work in a media landscape that is constantly changing. Economic, social and also cultural developments not only shape the working world of journalists. They also shape the content-related discourse and communication channels.

This expands the journalist’s area of ​​responsibility. They are producers, storytellers, filmmakers, fact finders and much more. The demands on the job profile of journalists are increasing. Your job grows with your skills.  Democracy needs independent journalism that observes, informs, comments on, warns, doubts and exposes economic and political developments.

Journalists can use the customizable template editor on so they can produce high-quality images. The numerous templates are perfect for storytelling, filmmaking and many more.

The new media world emphasizes the users in their role as producers. You can interact and comment on media content in various ways. Here, too, rules are needed so that integrative cooperation can be maintained.

How Politics and Football Are Intertwining

Soccer coach talking to his team


We see quite a few football promoters active in politics. In a small series about people who are ‘in politics’ in addition to football, we start with Cock Jol.

Cock, you’ve been away from football for a while, do you still follow it?

Of course, I still follow football, both amateur football and professional football.

You are a teacher, do you see changes in your classes that are reflected in society and therefore also in football?

What I have seen in this time is that many youth players have started to fill in their weekends differently. In recent years, no irregular league matches were played, and there was not even training. But of course, that also applied to other sports. I am concerned about this development. I think the unions and the clubs will certainly notice that.

Incidentally, I must say that I have had a lot of appreciation for our youth. Appreciation for the way in which they have dealt with the situation that has arisen in recent years. I’ve seen that at my school. They adhered very well to the rules assigned to them and also the lessons, which were often provided through Teams, were generally faithfully attended. Of course, my respect also goes out to my colleagues, who had to master various digital matters. Of course, I was one of them. Nevertheless, it is very important that the students can go back to school. They need social contact with their fellow pupils and with their teachers.

Do you still come to clubs? And then when you go to watch a game, where do you go?

Lately, I haven’t been looking physically anymore. Of course, the weather did not invite you to stand along the line. Today the weather is beautiful and probably I will ride my scooter to Quick, because in the last 2 games Quick has won and can come out of the relegation zone if I win.

You show political ambitions for the second time, this time for the VVD. How did your return come about?

I have always been very interested in national and municipal politics. In 2002, as a member of the Political Party Scheveningen, I was already elected on preferential votes and thus came to the City Council of The Hague.

After this instructive period, I entered professional football. In 2014 I came back from London and I started working as a teacher again at my old school the Christian College De Populier. In October 2021, I had a conversation with alderman Anne Mulder at city hall. He asked me if I wanted to be on the VVD’s electoral list for the municipal elections of 2022. I didn’t really have to think about it and I promised.

I thought and think it is a great honor to be a council member in my own city. You can denounce issues and influence issues that are close to the hearts of the citizens. The government must realize that it is there for the citizen and not the other way around. That is very often forgotten. We live in a democracy and as such are elected by the people (demos = people). I believe that too little attention is being paid to the citizens. You see and notice a lot of dissatisfaction among people at the moment. They feel misunderstood.

What kind of politician are you?

I am a liberal-conservative with a social-Christian slant. Nationally, I have always chosen liberal-Christian and I, therefore, think that the VVD suits me best. I am neither extreme right nor extreme left. I love the harmony model. For The Hague, it would be good if there were a coalition with at most 3 parties. That would be good for decision-making. Fragmentation always causes a lot of unrest. I think most people think that way.


ALSO READ: Politicians Should Be On TikTok More


How important is a sport in general for a city like The Hague? What role do you think politics should play when it comes to sports in the Haaglanden region?

I think that the responsible aldermen for Sport in recent decades have invested too little in grassroots sport or top sport. There is a lack of a real sports culture in our city, let alone top sports culture. Our heroes from The Hague, who have delivered top performances, are not pampered and honored for their achievements. Ask our average citizen in The Hague if they can name some current top athletes, then they do not know. In England and Germany, for example, the champions are heroes for life.

In the 80s/90s we had top athletes or top teams in every branch of sport. A.o. Hellas (handball), Ons Eibernest (korfball), KZ or HGC (hockey), Hijs (ice hockey), and so on. The same thing happens with our music heroes. It is a shame that the Museum RockArt is located in Hoek van Holland. We have always been pop city number 1 in the Netherlands. There was no suitable location available!! The then alderman of Culture Van Asten should have done everything in his power in 2019 to find a good, spacious location.

How do you think the municipality acted in the takeover of ADO Den Haag?

I do not want to say anything about the course of events regarding the takeover of ADO. Maybe one thing. A few years ago, an alderman for Sport said that ADO should never again be in the hands of a foreign investor. That only creates problems, he said. Anyway, let’s be happy that ADO has been saved and hopefully will be a good eredivisionist again. That would be great!

Count that you are elected with preferential votes, what would you like to tackle in and for The Hague?

I have several things that I am worried about, but I am not alone in this. In many programs of the various parties, there are practically the same themes. What I have noticed in my many conversations with residents in every neighborhood, is that they are worried about what is happening especially in their own neighborhood or street. The aldermen and councilors need to be more involved with the residents and listen to their stories. Listening to what keeps them busy.

Of course, we cannot solve everything, but I have noticed that a listening ear already removes a lot of resentment. My appeal to those in charge of our city will be to Come out of that “Ice Palace” and go among the people and stop those long meetings. Use the council meetings only to reach a final decision. Use the committee meetings for debate. Be transparent and show that you are there for the citizen. Politics must regain the trust of the people.

Will we ever see you back in football?

No, I will not come back to football, but I will always be interested in this beautiful sport.

Do you want to say something else?

I do hope that the Hague voter will give me his or her vote on 15/16 March, so that I can come to the council on preferential votes. I think I can do something for the inhabitant of The Hague to make our beautiful city even more beautiful.

Government And Online Presence – Rank Check Web Content To Improve SERP Performance

In the political environment, the local government have to maintain contact and correspondence with the community, especially that the reason they are in office is because of the support the people and why they ran for office is to be of service to the community.

Having an online presence is an essential particularly in today’s highly digitalized and connected world. This makes running a social media page or a dedicated website for a local government a significant thing. Through these channels, the local government can increase and improve their connection with the community as well as maintain the community’s trust by keeping them informed and updated about activities, dealings, happenings, and accomplishments of the local government.

Furthermore, through social media or a dedicated website, the local government enables and empowers the community to be involved, engaged and active in helping the them improve the community. People are given a way for them to voice out their concerns, reach out to local leaders, and even acknowledge the great work the local government is doing for the betterment of the community.

Rank Check Your Web Content To Improve Your Online Presence

When it comes to running a website, rank check is a needed and an important practice to carry out. While having an online presence has its many benefits, these benefits cannot be enjoyed if your website or web pages don’t appear in search engine results pages, or SERPs. This is makes the practice of doing rank check significant.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is necessary for anyone with a website. This is the course of action taken to build, refine and improve the content of a website so that when a user does a search on Google or on other search engines, the website or web page with that content would come into view on the search engine results pages more often as well as with a higher rank.

Carrying out a rank check is a crucial and necessary element of SEO to measure and determine the present ranking of the content of a website. By knowing and monitoring how well your website or web pages perform on search engines, you will know which SEO strategies to refine and keep to better or maintain your rank on search engines.

Managing a website and having presence in the online space, you want to make certain you are visible on the first page of SERPs as this gives your website a better chance of getting traffic, audience engagements, as well as potentially increase conversion rate.

If you want to have an accurate of how your website is performing on search engines, there are reliable software providers offering products and services for rank checking or rank tracking. One is AccuRanker, one of the quickest and most accurate keyword rank checker and tracker on the Web. Get instant on-demand updates, SERP history, and in-depth analysis of your content. With these, you can better understand which features of Google SERP drive traffic to your website and be able to assess your succeeding moves and make wise decisions based on the accurate and updated data that you have.

Politicians Should Be On TikTok More



The turnout of young people in the last parliamentary elections was low. These voting campaigns are aimed at young people who want to do something about that. “Life experience does not depend on age.”

Although the age of Dutch politicians is not as high as in the United States, with an average age of 48 years in the House of Representatives, there is also a lack of youth representation here. As the turnout of young people has declined since the last elections, the gap between youth and politics only seems to be widening. Digital youth campaigns are trying to close this gap and are committed to getting the youth to the polls.

Voting by mail

Where the turnout for the 2017 parliamentary elections was more than 80 percent, one in three young people between the ages of 18 and 24 stayed at home. But the turnout is not only low, young people are also the smallest group of voters. Due to the aging of the population, the number of older people compared to young people is increasing. For example, nearly a quarter of eligible voters are over the age of 65. In the upcoming parliamentary elections, an even larger turnout is expected among the over-70s, because they are allowed to vote by mail due to the coronavirus.

Young people quickly vote for the party for which their parents vote, without them looking critically’, says Iris Zoet, who started the podcast KiesAdvies with her friend Isa de Beer in September last year. ‘All political podcasts are about current events, which you don’t understand if you don’t have background information’, says Zoet. ‘Isa came up with the idea of listing what all parties stand for and explaining that in a podcast.’ According to Zoet, young people do not see themselves and the subjects they deal with in the House of Representatives. “And when those topics are covered, it’s in a dusty way,” she says. “That’s why we don’t want people on our podcast that you already see everywhere.”


ALSO READ: 10 Careers You Can Get From Politics



In addition to a podcast, Zoet and De Beer on Instagram have started the campaign #stemopeentwintiger. In it, they call for the youngest candidate of a party to be voted for, so that he or she gets preferential votes in the House of Representatives. One of those young candidates is Carline van Breugel for D66. She also tries to encourage young people to vote for a young candidate, by offering an overview of which young people are on the candidate lists. In addition, she is active on TikTok. “A lot of politicians aren’t there,” she says, “because a lot of young people who are on TikTok aren’t allowed to vote yet. But also for people who are not yet allowed to vote, it is important to know what is going on.’ Politicians who want to be more active on TikTok may click here to leverage the platform.

Safe space

Van Breugel wants to emphasize that, although her campaign revolves around young people, she also lacks representation in other areas. As portfolio holder diversity of the Young Democrats, the youth branch of D66, she often notices that people avoid the subject of diversity for fear of using the wrong words. ‘I want to create a safe space for white people. In addition, I am bisexual and I want to go to a country where you no longer have to come out of the closet in four years.’


The public broadcaster has also set up a voting campaign for young people. With #zetjestemnietopmute, NPO 3 Funx and 3FM have joined forces to bring young people and politics closer together with ‘accessible, funny and at the same time informative content.’ Another initiative is that of the Electors. These young men organize large interactive shows and create podcasts to educate a young audience about social issues and elections.

With the criticism that young people do not have enough life experience for politics, candidate MP Carline van Breugel does not agree. “Life experience is not related to age,” she says. ‘Understanding the starting point of the group is important to make policy that is in line with young people. It’s a stereotypical argument.’


Reasons Why it’s Crucial for Lawyers to Understand Politics

Politics is never ending. From local elections to national debates, the topics and news coverage of political events are a constant stream.

Why Understanding Politics is Crucial for a Lawyer?

As a lawyer and future attorney, it’s important you understand your local, state, and federal governments to help your clients best navigate their legal issues. This could be about a client’s business like an aesthetic shop wondering about potential legal suits they may face if a certain decision is executed and so forth. 

We all have our own opinions on why certain policies are implemented and how they impact our daily lives. Whether you agree or disagree with the current political climate, it is important for lawyers to remain informed about politics.

Being informed about politics will help you as an attorney, but also as a citizen by better understanding how laws are created and improved. Here are reasons why it’s crucial for lawyers to understand politics:

Stay Up to Date on Law Changes

Lawyers are constantly researching the law for their clients and themselves. And with new laws constantly being passed, it’s important that lawyers stay up-to-date on changes to the law. One of the most common ways is by subscribing to newsletters and email newsletters that keep you in the know about new laws that affect your practice.

Help Shape and Strengthen Our Democracy

Lawyers are the ones that help shape and strengthen our democracy. They do this by doing what they know best, using the law to help their clients navigate through life’s legal issues.

Lawyers work with their clients on a variety of matters, including immigration, civil rights, family law, criminal defense, and more. Laws are made for different reasons, but it is up to the lawyer to make sure those reasons are valid and in line with the constitution.

If something doesn’t seem right or seems unconstitutional, then a lawyer can challenge it in court or petition lawmakers to change it.

Gain Better Understanding of Society

Gaining a better understanding of society is one of the most important reasons why lawyers need to understand politics. Understanding the political climate and current events helps you provide better legal guidance to your clients.

The Dichotomy Of Cottagecore Aesthetic – What Makes A Cottagecore Room?

Aesthetics is a division of philosophy that studies the essence and attributes of beauty in art as well as in nature. They are elements that when combined yields some satisfaction. The popularity of having aesthetics is because of social networks wherein influencers make use of specific kinds of color combinations and other design elements to give their photographs and social media feeds a unique touch to so as to be different from others.

Having aesthetics has become a way for people and brands to showcase their individual style, taste and personality, which substantially helps in identifying one’s likes and interests as well as their dislikes as it gives their audience and followers something new and interesting about them.

What Is And What Makes A Cottagecore Room?

There are many types of aesthetic, Cottagecore is one. Aesthetically, cottagecore encapsulates the attractiveness of the English countryside, particularly from the Victorian and Romantic periods. Otherwise known as countrycore and farmcore, as the terms imply, cottagecore creates an idyllic depiction of the countryside and farm life and focuses on the concepts of harmony with nature and simple living. The leitmotifs of cottagecore involve self-sufficiency, caring for people, and baking. Cottagecore is also frequently likened to aesthetics like Grandparentcore, Naturecore and Warmcore.

To create a cottagecore room, the main aesthetic visuals is inspired by nature and how natural it is. As a home style design and a way of life, cottagecore pertains to comfort, simplicity, personal freedom, self-reliance, coziness and domesticity.

Think of rural, countryside or farm life. Visualize a wide grass field with dainty flowers all over and butterflies flitting around. Imagine lying in the grass with a book in your hand with no worries at all. Imagine a pond nearby reflecting the glittering sun, a cottage with gable roof and a stone footpath. A gazebo capped with vines, some wooden benches, a wheelbarrow with a wicker basket used for foraging. It also characterizes crafts and skills like embroidery, sewing, knitting, crochet, gardening, baking, and candle making.

For color and texture, a more natural color palette is used such as light green foliage, browns of natural wood, stones and straw, earth tones as well as floral patterns. Pastel colors are also common, especially in cottagecore paintings. Natural lighting is always used, where sunlight is the de facto source. Think of the “golden hour” for lighting. Elements of rustic style and design also adorn a cottagecore-inspired room along with real plants and flowers, antique or vintage furniture, rugs, fabrics and laces, books, baskets, handicrafts and anything else that basically exemplifies a happy, simple, charming, cozy, nostalgic, countryside and/or farm home and living.

The Dichotomy Of Cottagecore

Cottagecore is not essentially an arranged political movement with leaders and goals, although politics in cottagecore has become well-known because of its connection to two opposing political groups with different radical viewpoints on life even with the frustration they share regarding modernity.

For progressive-leaning cottagecore followers, it is primarily capitalism and heteronormativity. Although many cottagecore followers relate to an ideology concretely supporting the idea of society being restructured, they may convey a distaste or aversion to capitalism in a tone that is more casual by means of or together with cottagecore. They refuse heteronormative gender roles as well as aim to take out from cottagecore and past cultures the stereotypes and stigmas of traditional life.

The opposing political spectrum state their disapproval and resistance to modernity which stemmed from the loss and extinction of conservative values or morals in the 21st-century as well as the inclination and preference for an economic system that is pre-capitalist instead of a post-capitalist.

Watch the video below to find out more.


How to Win In Towing Office Politics

Nobody actually wants anything to do with cliques, alliances, oppositions and coalitions at work. Except for those who have mastered political chess at work.Heavy Duty Towing

A rule of thumb says that employees in higher positions spend half their working time productively.  The other half is spent on politics, i.e. fighting for position, gaining influence, spinning intrigues, forging alliances.

Another rule says; to avoid not becoming part of these political games in the Heavy Duty Towing office, don’t play along. You use it to protect yourself and your own career.

That is wrong, it is said. Politics always affects you.

How to play and win the political game at the Heavy Duty Towing office

Get to know the political landscape

When you start a new job, it’s clear within the first week. The workplace is teeming with alliances and rivalries. Find out where the lines go. Who is invited to the important meetings and who is not? Who has the best connection to the upper hierarchies? In short, get to know the unwritten rules.

Forge a Grand Alliance

The Grand Alliance allows you to have a foothold in any political camp. So look to make connections and relationships across the organization, not just within your unit. This is how you create an environment of trust without taking a direct position. And you protect yourself against political swings.

Don’t lose sight of your goals

Play the political game, but always remember why. You’re doing it for your career and for greater job satisfaction. Let emotions out of the game. Also, avoid tactics like gossip, manipulation or badmouthing someone. Act strategically, always with the goal in mind.

Create win-win situations

Office politics doesn’t necessarily mean that there always has to be a winner and a loser. The golden rule is: negotiate, think about how a potential adversary can become an ally.

Never play rivals against each other

Being caught between two fronts is a classic situation in office politics. It could lead you to take positions that you subsequently regret or subsequently harm you. Nobody will trust you anymore. Instead, you have to negotiate.

Always stay true to your principles

Before you even delve into office politics, ask yourself why: Is revenge or envy driving you, or simply fear of being left behind? If so, then leave it alone. If you don’t reconcile it with your values ​​and understanding of fair behaviour, ignore politics.

Why Businesses Support Politicians?

We’ve all heard the stories of businesses donating to politicians, but why? What are they getting in return? There are many reasons why companies such as the condo at Northumberland road would support politicians. Whether it be to maintain their product prices or to keep a certain social policy that is beneficial to them, business owners have valid reasons for supporting candidates and/or parties.

Companies Support Politicians to Keep Prices Low

A lot of the time, businesses will support a politician to maintain the prices on their products. If a company is looking to maintain low prices and high demand for their product, donating to a politician can be an effective way to do that.

Let’s say a company needs customers to buy their product because they don’t have anything else left in the shop but their one product. The customer will go ahead and purchase it if they like it and then come back for more later.

However, if the price of that one product goes up too much, then customers might hesitate when considering buying it. In this scenario, if the company wants to keep their prices low, they would give money to politicians who supported low taxes so that they could keep costs down on things like labor or raw materials.

Politicians Support Companies to Protect their Brand Image

One of the reasons why companies support politicians is to protect their brand image. In the past, there have been cases where a company’s product has significantly declined in quality due to new legislation that lowered their profits. In this case, it would make sense for them to donate to the politician that lobbied for the law that helped them maintain their profit margin when other companies were suffering.

Another reason why companies support politicians is because they want to keep their current pricing. If a company saw a rival company’s prices decrease significantly, then it would be in their best interest to donate small amounts of money to a politician who supports keeping prices high.

This way, if a politician introduced legislation that would lower the price of a product, they could counter with donations and keep their pricing competitive—at least until they can find some other way of lowering prices.

MS Office Productivity Tools – Office 2019 Professional Plus and Office 365 Government

The Microsoft Office suite is one of the most extensively and globally used collection of office-related computer software applications, each uniquely designed for a specific purpose and provide users distinct features and functions so as to act upon and achieve that purpose.

The Office applications included in a particular Microsoft Office suite as well as the cost will depend on which version and edition of MS Office suite you decide to go with. Nonetheless, the applications included in a suite were structured to seamlessly and smoothly work together. For example, you can create a document with MS Word and save the file to the cloud with MS OneDrive. You can make use of MS Outlook to compose an email and include an attachment of a slide presentation you’ve created using MS PowerPoint. If you familiarize yourself well with the MS Office applications, you can efficiently make use of them as well as maximize the functions and features they offer.

Office 2019 Professional Plus – MS Office Productivity Tools for you can Have Perpetually

The Office 2019 Professional Plus is an edition of the Office 2019 version of the Microsoft Office suite. It is the most comprehensive MS Office suite for business as it includes all the necessary applications as well as numerous features to innovatively help users work more efficiently as well as be more productive. Office 2019 Professional Plus includes:

  • Word – utilized for document creation and editing
  • PowerPoint – for creating slide presentations
  • Excel – used to organize, format, calculate and manipulate data
  • OneDrive – used to store data to the cloud
  • OneNote – Serves as a digital notebook
  • Publisher – a design program to create a multiplicity of publications
  • Outlook – used to manage emails, calendars, to-do lists or tasks, and contacts
  • Access – utilized to organize and compile large quantities of data
  • Skype for Business – a unified communications platform and instant messaging client where users can communicate via text chat, video calls, or voice calls

Apart from the applications and features included in the Office 2019 Professional Plus, the suite is also a Perpetual version, which means it is offered as a one-time purchase instead of subscription-based. So, when you purchase this suite, you gain unlimited access to everything included in the suite as it is permanently yours. For subscription-based MS suites, like the Office 365 version, you only gain access to applications and features offered in the type of plan you subscribe to. If you want to continue using the applications, it is imperative that you renew your subscription before it expires. Otherwise, the apps will be in read-only mode wherein you can simply view or print existing documents, however cannot create new documents or edit existing ones.

Office 2019 Professional Plus can be availed through volume licensing or from retail stores. To get this bundle of productivity tools at a budget-friendly cost, go to

Office 365 Government – For Qualified Government Organizations

Office 365 Government is a subscription-based service line that is designed for government organizations and their unique needs. It provides all the capabilities and features of Office 365 in a cloud community that is segmented, enabling organizations to satisfy U.S. compliance as well as security standards. Each plan of the Office 365 Government is available as a monthly subscription and could be licensed to an unrestricted number of users. To begin using the free trial, you need to start the process of unique compliance validation underway as it is necessary to check for eligibility. When your organization is validated to be eligible, you can start using the free trial.

Office 365 Government plans include a variety of tools and services to support qualified organizations in advancing their cloud services. By means of this, organizations can also improve service efficiency whilst ensuring compliance norms so as to manage sensitive data. They abide by the finest security measures in order to optimize the top-of-the-range technology for the protection of client date. Among the other benefits of using Office 365 Government includes:

  • Streamlined and simplified business processes as well as collaboration
  • Reliability and security
  • Exceptional mobility
  • Saves time and money
  • Cost-effective
  • Functional tools and useful features

The Media Selects what it will Air – The Truth about Media and Politics

The media is a powerful and influential institution that shapes the opinions of society. When it comes to politics, the media can have a major impact.

Social media sites like Twitter and Facewddbook have helped to fuel this modern effect on society, but they are not the whole story. The traditional media still has a significant role in what people choose to view.

In this article, you will learn how the media has shaped our opinions and why it’s important to take the time to think critically about what we’re shown.

How Do the Media Decide what to Show?

The media’s influence on society often comes from what they choose to show. One way that they decide what they will show is by polling their audience’s opinions in surveys or focus groups. The media takes polls or focus groups very seriously as it gives them an idea of what people are viewing and how it may affect their viewers’ opinions.

They also use these polls or focus groups to help them decide when covering certain topics and whether or not to cover certain events in the future, like elections for example.

How does this Affect Society?

Indeed, the media plays an integral role in today’s society. It has a huge impact on what people choose to watch and read, which can have a major impact on politicians, culture, and the economy. When people are exposed to different viewpoints, they tend to change their own opinions. When an issue is discussed in the media, it can lead to different perspectives and new ideas.

Be Vigilant, Be Observant

As mentioned, the media is an influential part of society. But, the media is not always fair or objective. In order to combat this power, the media must be held accountable for the decisions they make. This is just the reality. Even in internet TVs like IPTV or streaming services that are owned by private institutions, they can’t simply run shows that they want. It still has to be reviewed and approved by the media board before putting it up on air.

This may be difficult because of the sheer size of the institution, but it is important for society to have a voice and use their power to have meaningful conversations.

10 Careers You Can Get From Politics



Are you curious about politics—but not in the slightest degree curious about becoming a politician? opportunities abound for those fascinated by a career within the arena as election cycles get longer and longer. you will work long hours and it may be stressful, especially at election time, but a political job can offer you a wealth of experience you’ll use within the future.

If you have got a candidate you’d like to see elected or a hot button issue you’re concerned about, you’ll be able to apply on to like-minded campaigns or organizations. Learn more if you want to know the best recruiters who can help you find a job in politics.

There are many alternative jobs in politics beyond being engaged in a campaign, including legislative support, publicity and media relations positions, political strategists, campaign managers and consultants, pollsters and political consultants, administrators, and more. salaries vary accordingly supported by the sort of job and who you’re working for and jobs are available at the local, state, and national levels.

Here are 10 great jobs you can find in politics.

1. Intern/Volunteer

Volunteering for a campaign or an issues-oriented non-profit organization is an excellent political career starter, although the pay won’t be the best—in fact, it would be non-existent. volunteer and intern as often as you’ll if you’re a university student considering politics as a career.

You’ll probably start out engaged on the bottom and within the office doing the grunt work, but you’ll gain invaluable experience and an honest picture of your possible career options. Again, many positions are unpaid, but you’ll get a little salary or stipend to hide expenses.

2. Legislative Aide

Legislative staff can help a legislator with communications or administration or work directly on legislation. This entry-level job could be a good place to begin for a university graduate who wants to form a career in politics.

3. Policy Analyst

Policy analysts work for the govt., legislators, or candidates. they’re the those who know all the main points about an existing or proposed policy. Policy analysts work to spot, create, and implement policies and programs. important components of this job are research and analysis.

Conducting research, surveying data, analyzing existing and proposed policies, and reporting information are what the job description includes. Can be more of a generalist performing on multiple issues, policy analysts can have a particular area of experience.

4. Communications Coordinator

Candidates, legislators, and organizations involved in the political process are what communications coordinators work for. the task involves managing political and legislative communications, writing speeches, press releases, and newsletters, coordinating media relations, updating social media, and implementing communications strategies.

If you’re land one who likes to get the word out, this could be a good job for you.

5. Pollster

Political pollsters are those that measure the effectiveness of a campaign and what voters give some thought to candidates and issues. Pollsters are all about data – gathering information in a very type of ways, evaluating responses, analyzing and organizing data, doing statistical analysis, and presenting the leads to a comprehensive format.

Pollsters can work on a consulting or freelance basis or work directly for a candidate or legislator. If you’re mesmerized by the numbers and the way they’ll influence voters, consider a career as a pollster.


ALSO READ: The Role of Politicians in the Fight Against Skin Cancer


6. Lobbyist

There are many other career paths for those interesting in lobbying, although top lobbyists are often retired, politicians. If you have got excellent persuasive and communication skills, a lobbying job provides the chance to spend your day (and often evenings and weekends) contacting elected officials to urge them to oppose legislation that isn’t in your organization’s best interests or to vote favorably on your issue.

Lobbyists can work independently with clients, for lobbying or house, or for a corporation or business that contains a vested interest in legislative outcomes.

7. Campaign Manager

The campaign manager is that the big gun on the campaign trail, whether it’s working for a little local candidate or on a presidential campaign. Campaign managers organize and oversee all the main points involved in managing a successful campaign.

They develop, plan, and implement a political campaign on a broad level. everything from hiring and managing staff, budgeting, logistics, and technology, to getting out the vote, is what a campaign manager’s responsibilities can include.

8. Political Consultant

Political consulting involves engaged in campaigns of these running for billet. All levels of politicians, whether on an area or national scale, need help with planning strategy, fundraising, voter outreach, and other aspects of running a campaign.

This is a general job title that covers a range of various roles, reckoning on the consultant’s skills and areas of experience.

Such a lot of consultants start out engaged on a campaign, for a legislator, or for the govt, you’ll have the proper experience to land a consulting gig.

9. Media Strategist

Media strategists are a necessary component of a successful campaign for elected office. they assist candidates to promote themselves and assist with handling issues that arise during the course of a campaign. Media strategists are liable for planning, implementing, and presenting in-person, print, television, radio, online, and social media campaigns to market the candidate.

Organizing campaign events, liaison with the press, handling media relations, preparing a candidate for interviews, overseeing the creation and production of advertising, and planning ad buys, are some of what a political media strategist may do.

10. Chief of Staff

His or her chief of staff is the candidate or legislator’s right-hand person. this can be the foremost important job within the office, and therefore the chief of staff oversees hiring, office management, budgeting, administration, and operations, and is that the top advisor on everything political.

All office functions and most staff reporting in an exceedingly legislator’s office are through the chief of staff who reports on to the legislator. You’ll have to work your far the career ladder gaining many legislative experiences along the way if your long-term career goal is to earn a spot as chief of staff.


Using Office Politics Correctly

People carry their personal emotions, wants, goals, and anxieties into their working life, therefore all workplaces are political to some level.

We all want to be successful, but we don’t always agree on what that entails or how we should go about achieving it. When personality and ideological conflicts become difficult to handle, office politics emerge.

Accepting politics as a reality is the first step toward making it work for you in a good manner. It may vary over time as individuals come and leave in your company even if it has liteblue, but it is unlikely to vanish completely.

Then you must devise techniques for recognizing and comprehending political conduct as well as for forming a strong and supporting network.

These suggestions will assist you in doing so:

1. Look through the organizational chart.

The conventional organizational structure is often bypassed by office politics. So, instead of focusing on people’s ranks or job titles, take a step back and watch for a bit, and then map the political power and influence in your company.

2. Be aware of the informal network

Once you’ve figured out who has the most power and influence, it’s time to look at people’s interactions and connections to figure out what’s going on in their informal or social networks.

Keep an eye out (but quietly and politely) to see who gets along with whom and who has a harder time interacting with others.

3. Establish Relationships

You may begin to establish your own social network now that you understand how current ties function.

Look beyond your immediate team and beyond the formal structure — coworkers, supervisors, and executives – in all directions.

4. Work on improving your “people skills”

As we’ve seen, politics is all about people, therefore having great interpersonal skills can help you create and retain your network.

Consider your emotions, what causes them, and how you deal with them. You’ll be able to think before you act if you can learn to self-regulate. This kind of emotional intelligence also aids you in detecting other people’s feelings and determining what approach they like or detest.


Political Apps: Useful for Elections


Want to know more about your favorite party? Or are you looking for a voting guide app, for example for the federal elections? In this guide, you can find the best apps for political news, elections, election guides, and more.

Politics can be complicated

In regular national elections, you, as a voter, are often asked to go to a polling place and make a choice. This time the parliamentary elections are imminent, so I’m going to poll the new cabinet. But which app is the most helpful when choosing? Which news app has a good political news section and which party has its own app? It is important to read carefully before voting for the House of Commons elections, and these political apps will help you do that. We have also listed some voting guide apps for you.

* Voting indicator

* Political news

*Political Parties


Which election guide app is available for the Federal Elections of Political Party? There are many election guides in the Netherlands to help you choose during the election. You’re probably familiar with the famous Stemwijzer and Kieskompas, but this year there are plenty of voting guides available for iPhone and iPad. Unfortunately, there is no dedicated app available for voting guides, but thanks to the mobile website and through iPhone jailbreak download, it can be used on your iPhone or iPad.

Here are some of the voting guides you can run on your iPhone and iPad.

* Voting Guide

* Gravel compass

* Kieswijzer technology

* Voting checker

* Keeser’s quest

* Party guide

* Youth Election Leader

Election Guide

If you don’t know where to vote in your area, you can use the website. The site will use your location to find the polling place closest to you, including directions. You can also find a wheelchair-accessible polling place so that everyone can vote.

What is the best political news app?

Are you looking for an app for voting guides and need a little more information? Almost all Dutch news apps have categories focused on political news. NOS, RTL Nieuws, and apps have policy categories. Here you can find all the other political news, as well as the latest news about upcoming elections and election results. These apps are useful during House elections.

* RTL News


*The Poll

* Debate Direct

Which party has the app?

There used to be some parties using their own apps, but these days unfortunately this offer has been kept to a minimum. The political parties listed below currently have their own domestic apps. In addition, there are all kinds of local apps that are targeted only to a specific community. If you’re looking for an app from a particular provider, the best way to find it is to use the App Store.

* GroenLinks pick

* Forum for Democracy | FVD

A Closer Look at Ireland’s Flourishing Video Game Industry

Video game companies that set up offices in Ireland are now reaping the rewards of a business strategy originally considered for tax reduction purposes. While the gaming industry in general has been enjoying growth despite the pandemic outbreak, among the biggest earners are companies that shifted some of its operations in Northern Ireland.
Aside from the tax shields and tax credits, the country’s video games market has been experiencing phenomenal growth since 2020.

Irish Consumers are Now Spending More on Video Games

A market research report from Statista showed that Irish consumers have increased their spending on video games, the industry is currently experiencing impressive growth in terms of sales. Prior to the pandemic, video game revenues have been constantly growing at an annual rate of 5.2%. Yet the strong demand for video games in 2020 boosted revenue growth to €91 million. As the growth trend continues, revenue is estimated to hit €112 million by the year 2024.

Actually, the news journal The Independent already took notice in 2014 that video gaming in Ireland was already showing an upward trend. At that time, much of the increased interests in video games were coming from Ireland’s esports gamers and enthusiasts. However, the larger portion of the gaming revenues did not actually go to Ireland.

Ireland’s “Double Irish” Tax Tool

The Double Irish tax scheme introduced by European countries as a way to lure foreign businesses to set up shop in their soil was banned by the European Union in 2015. The scheme though is still in effect in Ireland and other non-EU member countries.

The Double Irish Tax Scheme(/strong) is actually a tax strategy available to multinational companies looking to reduce tax liabilities in their country of origin. In a Double Irish arrangement, the multinational companies need only to set up part of their business in a country offering the Double Irish tax tool. That way, they can shift some of their profits in the foreign country that imposes lower tax rates.

 The term Double Irish is used because the tax strategy requires the Irish subsidiary to first register its tax residency in a tax haven country like Switzerland or the Cayman Islands.

Overtime, the tax tool worked wonders for many tech companies, particularly the video games development industry. The Independent cited Riot Games as an example, which started out as a local tech support for irish players engaged in Riot’s massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG.)

The company later recruited and trained Irish talents to develop skills in designing, programming and publishing game content. Eventually Riot Games evolved into becoming a branch in which engineers, developers and publishers contributed to the tech giant’s overall gaming operations.

However, training local talents also posed as a setback for the company as some of the people they trained ventured into setting up their own video gaming business in Ireland. Somehow, the Double Irish scheme became a win-win situation for Ireland.

The indie Irish gaming companies proved instrumental in giving the country’s video gaming industry a boost. They developed games that met the gaming preferences of both young and adult Irish gamers. To date, there are nine home-grown video game companies in Ireland, which the Irish government supports with numerous tax credits, particularly for costs incurred in the development of video games.

The additional benefit is that other businesses like the gaming chair sector, are also benefiting from the popularity of video gaming. Households now recognize the importance of gaming chairs not only for their gaming pleasure but also for work-from-home and educational purposes.

As an aside inasmuch as gaming chairs have proliferated in Ireland as well, the website gaming chairs ireland have a large range of choices that have been tested by experts and reviewed by satisfied consumers.

IQ Test: Dimensions Of Political Competence

The model of political competence claims to describe the subject-related dimensions of the teaching-learning process. They have to be compatible with the normative objectives of political didactics. Knowing political competence can help you with your IQ test gratis.

Concept of competence and model of political competence

Intelligence: Expertise

You can base the competence dimension of specialist knowledge on a concept of knowledge at the center of which is conceptual knowledge. This differs from factual knowledge as well as from individual technical knowledge. Conceptual knowledge disregards concrete experiences and instead categorizes their characteristics and characteristics. Concepts allow the retrieval of meaningful and perceptual knowledge content from memory.

IQ test: Political judgment

In terms of cognitive psychology, judgment is a process in which a person assigns a certain object a value on a judgment dimension. Objects of judgment are objects, situations, people, statements, ideas as well as internal states. Judgment dimensions classify or scale the statement made in the judgment.

Political judgments relate to tasks and problems in the social environment, the political system and international relations. In addition, political programs, beliefs and political actors can be the subject of political judgments.

IQ test: Political ability to act

Action is shaped by a number of cognitive psychological processing patterns. Perceptions, thoughts, emotions, skills, and activities are used in a coordinated manner to either achieve goals or to withdraw from unworthy or unachievable goals. The totality of the action concepts and action schemes available to a person is called action competence.

Political attitude and motivation

IQ test gratis

In cognitive psychology, you understand attitude to mean any preparatory cognitive activity that precedes thinking or perception. An attitude can improve or inhibit the quality of perception. Attitudes are therefore individual peculiarities in the evaluation of concrete objects of perception or thought. In this sense, an attitude is to be seen as a cognitive scheme. This represents the knowledge about an object and can facilitate the processing of information, but can also make it more difficult. Attitudes influence thinking, feeling, judging and acting.

IQ test: Political literacy model in the classroom

Teachers and students can use the political competence model. It is a proposal that, guided by theory, defines the concept of competence and makes it manageable in practice. The model should make it clear to the teachers that politics lessons primarily focus on promoting the four dimensions of competence. You should take them into account in the design of the lesson, in the selection of materials, in the decision on methods and in the formulation of the learning tasks, and make them accessible to the learners.

Going Digital: Tips When Choosing an eBook Reading Device And The Benefits Of An E-government

It is clearly evident that digital technologies have quickly progressed reaching about 50% of the developing population of the world in just two decades as well as transforming many aspects of societies. By means of improving connectivity, access to public services and trades, and financial inclusions, technology could be an excellent equalizer. Society is indeed increasingly becoming digitalized and connected, in addition to computers and algorithms arbitrating and facilitating much of the daily activities of people by any means whatsoever.

In the last ten years, the publishing industry worldwide has gone through a great transformation. The application and expansion of digitalization in the publishing industry, such as electronic devices like e-readers, tablets, and smartphones, digital books formats and apps, and production systems like print-on-demand, have greatly revolutionized the world of books.

Today, e-readers are an everyday thing and is seen as well as used in many places. These devices are perfect for individuals who love to read however don’t want to be carrying around books and then keeping or recycling them after reading.

Tips When Choosing an eBook Reading Device. What You Should Know?

Frequently, e-books are way cheaper than physical books, so purchasing e-books makes a lot more sense. In addition to this, the prices of e-readers have also dropped making it a great time to purchase your own eBook reading device. But, with the available choices of e-readers in the market, choosing the best one to buy could become overwhelming. Hence, it is important to know what you should be looking for in an e-reader for you to make a good purchasing decision.

When it comes to selecting an e-reader, provides very helpful information about e-readers. With their Tips when choosing an eBook Reading Device. What you should know?, you will learn from their comparison charts to their Buying Guides so you could find the best one in the market that will match your eBook reading needs.

To ensure you purchase the most suitable and best quality e-reader for you, it is imperative that you know what your choices are and the features they offer. If you don’t have any knowledge or information about what you are looking for in an e-reader, deciding on what to choose can take a toll on you. With that, here are some of the things that you should consider when selecting an eBook reading device.

  • Screen and Display. Most e-readers available in the market have the E-ink display screens. The E-ink or electronic ink technology mimics the appearance of a printed paper, won’t strain the eyes even when reading for long hours, as well as considerably improve the battery life of the eBook reader.
  • User Interface. An eBook reader is usually designed with numerous controls such as buttons, touchscreen, or both. With a touchscreen interface, ease-of-use is the key advantage, however this could shorten the life of the battery. Alternatively, e-readers with button controls are accurate as well as consume less power. But, when it comes to ease-of-use, button controls could be troublesome.
  • Battery Life. Battery life is vital, especially when reading for extended hours. Most eBook readers can last for weeks in a single charge. If an eBook reading device has various unnecessary apps, they can shorten the battery life of the device.
  • E-reader brands and models doesn’t only come with its own set of features, but also differs in terms of cost. Hence, you are surely bound to find a quality e-reader that will fit your budget.

The Advantages of E-government for Governance

The Internet as well as various electronic devices have indeed revolutionized many aspects our life and our society. Because of this, even governments are starting to recognize and enjoy the benefits of Internet and electronic device use through e-governance.

E-government is defined as the application of information technology by various agencies in the government sector that are responsible for transmitting information between and among citizens, businesses, as well as other government stakeholders.

The e-government has a broad range of goals, which includes improving public service delivery to citizens, bettering collaboration between industries and businesses, fostering citizen empowerment by means of information access, or establishing a governance that is more effective and efficient. With the positive advantages that e-government provides, there could be higher transparency, less corruption, faster and more accurate processes, as well reduced costs.

Primarily, the Paper Based System that is long applied by government agencies would be replaced and optimized with the e-government. Not only will time and money be saved, but the environment as well as consumption of paper use is greatly reduced.

With the implementation of the e-government, communication between the business sector and the government is bettered. This will allow small-scale businesses to vie against large-scale businesses in terms of public sectors. Therefore, creating and establishing a transparent and open market as well as a stronger economy.

Housing Proposal From All Parties

The benefits of making your bed in the morning, according to science Jean-François Perrault, chief economist at Scotiabank, stated that “there is no clear way to determine what might be the optimal housing level” in a housing report released in May. Though supply constraints and insatiable demand are major issues, the majority of housing experts agree. All major political parties‘ platforms include a commitment to building tens of thousands of new houses across Canada.

The NDP promises 500,000 homes in a decade. The Liberals are promising 1.4 million over four years. The Conservatives are offering a million in three years. But like most campaign promises, the devil is in the details. The Liberals and Conservatives include the average number of new homes currently built in their totals. The NDP does not. About 286,000 new homes are currently built each year, according to the most recent data from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The Liberals are also including 130,000 “revitalized” units, repairing affordable housing that is in such poor condition that it is at risk of being lost.

When that data is removed from the equation, the image looks more like this:

The NDP promises to build 50,000 new homes a year for the next ten years, the Conservatives 47,333, and the Liberals 30,000 new, affordable homes and 32,500 reclaimed over the next four years.

However, how are these homes going to be built and how many does Canada require?
The Conservatives claim they can meet their goal by improving public transportation that connects people’s homes to their places of employment, freeing up 15 percent of the federal government’s real estate portfolio for housing, and encouraging the construction of rental housing by making it easier to defer capital gains taxes when selling a rental property and reinvesting the proceeds in rental housing. Liberals promise cities $4 billion in incentives to increase annual home construction and double the allocation to the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, which provides forgivable or low-interest loans to build new or revitalized communities or affordable housing. They also intend to double the budget allocated for the conversion of vacant office and commercial space into housing, including federal and commercial buildings.

The federal land and buildings that are currently vacant or underutilized will be converted into housing as part of the NDP’s plan; the federal sales tax will be waived on new housing construction that is used to build affordable rental housing. Jean-François Perrault, the chief economist at Scotiabank, stated that “there is no clear way to determine what might be the optimal housing level” in a housing report released in May. Though supply constraints and insatiable demand are major issues, the majority of housing experts agree. Mr. Perrault asserted that the housing supply in Canada has not kept pace with population growth: in 2016, there were 427 housing units per 1,000 people in Canada, and in 2020, the supply was expected to be 424. Canada’s population increased by 1.3 million people during this time period. Approximately one-third of these homes were single-detached, with the remainder consisting of a variety of housing units, including condominiums, apartment buildings, and townhouses, according to Statistics Canada. According to Mr. Perrault, if an additional 100,000 housing units had been constructed during those years, the housing ratio would have remained stable. Canada has the fewest housing units per capita of any G7 country, according to Mr. Perrault, and it would take the construction of 1.8 million new homes to bring Canada into line with the G7 average. Beyond the ones currently under construction. There isn’t a federal party that even comes close to that number, but Perrault points out that demographics and geography vary from country to country, making it difficult to generalize. By the way, if you are looking for a high-quality hand-crafted bed for your house you can visit Hugo & Sons for more details.

Graffiti That Promises To Generate Record Sales

The auction of the Turbo Zone Truck, a 17-ton truck covered in Banksy’s graffiti, is expected to break records. Despite the fact that Banksy’s net worth is estimated to be around $50 million, the street artist has stated that he does not want to be paid for his work, preferring instead to focus on political and social issues. A look at a few of the most widely discussed articles. Some graffiti artist is using brush materials, at you can order your brush or paint materials easily.


The theme of work on trucks is anarchy

With an area of over 80 square meters, the Turbo Zone Truck is the largest work ever created by an unknown craftsman. It was done by Banksy in 2000, about six years before it became widely known. The truck depicts political agitation and opposition, which the road craftsman depicts in a large number of his later works.

Comment on phone generation

In 2014, Banksy created Mobile Lovers. The artwork was hung on a brick wall in Bristol. At work, a couple is seen paying little attention to each other but a lot of attention to their phone. The artist’s work is a satire on the so-called “telephone generation,” who let their phones dictate their lives and pay little attention to what is going on around them.

Criticism of xenophobia

Steve Jobs takes center stage on the wall art created by the artist in 2015 near a refugee camp in Calais, France. Steve Jobs, one of Apple’s co-founders, was the son of a Syrian immigrant who died in 2011. “We are often led to believe that migrants are expensive,” the artist explains, “but Apple, the world’s most profitable company, only exists because America allowed a young man from Homs (Syrian city, ed.) to enter the country.” in connection with this To show support for the Syrian people, Banksy created a new version of his famous work Balloon Girl (shown below) the year before.

British slave labor

A boy sews British flags on a sewing machine in this painting, which hangs on the wall of a London youth club. Slave Labor is a Banksy protest against the use of sweatshops to make souvenirs for the London Olympics and the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II. Locals were outraged when the work was stolen from the wall on which it was hung. They mistook it for a present for themselves. Banksy intervened, stating that the club’s owners would be the ones to decide what would happen to the artwork. The house was eventually sold for more than £400,000, with the proceeds going to the club.

Rat of Wall Street

Banksy installed this piece in New York’s SoHo neighborhood. He drew a rat dressed as a businessman to represent a large number of suit-clad men on Wall Street, New York’s financial district. “Let them Eat Crack,” a play on Marie Antoinette’s husband Louis XVI’s statement, “Let them Eat Cake,” is written next to it. This quote exemplifies how the wealthy can have misconceptions about the poor. By replacing the word “cake” with “crack,” Banksy alludes to the drug problem that many homeless people in New York face.

Worst view in the world

In 2017, Banksy will open a hotel in Bethlehem that will overlook an eight-foot-high concrete wall. The hotel has “the worst view in the world,” according to the street performer, referring to the barrier that separates Israel and the Palestinian territories. The hotel, by the way, is still open. This isn’t the first time Banksy has made an appearance in this area. In 2005, the anonymous artist rose to prominence after painting nine works on the Israeli-Palestinian separation wall, including a ladder atop the wall and a child digging a hole through it.

نقل عفش بجدة – Hire Reliable Movers And Protect Your Move

Relocating to a new house and home environment is one very significant event in someone’s life. While it can be exciting to move to a new home and community, start a new job, and meet new people, the process of moving itself can also be daunting, exhausting and stressful. So, before you begin packing your stuff, it is imperative for you to plan ahead and be organized, which would include looking for a reliable mover to help you in your move.

نقل عفش بجدة – Make Your Move Quick and Smooth with Professional Furniture Movers

While you can transport some things on your own, most of your furniture are heavy and bulky which you couldn’t surely lift and move yourself. This is where an expert furniture moving company comes in. A professional moving company specializing in household and furniture moving could greatly help homeowners relocate to a new location quickly and more efficiently. For instance, نقل عفش بجدة is one of the best furniture moving company in Jeddah that you can hire. At an affordable price, they deliver quality work for a quick and smooth move ensuring all your furniture are handled with care to avoid damage to them.

With an expert reliable household and furniture moving company like نقل عفش بجدة, you will definitely save time, energy and even money. Moreover, as the team of movers that they have are trained, knowledgeable and experienced, as well as have the proper moving equipment, you can be certain your belongings are safe and secure as they are transported from your old home to your new home.

FMCSA – Helping Protect Your Move

When it comes to looking for a mover to assist you in your moving process, it is crucial that you do your research well to avoid hiring rogue movers which can ultimately cause you even more stress as well as money. In the US, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, also known as FMCSA, is responsible for commercial regulations that administers the interstate transportation of household goods.

They make available to consumers who are planning to relocate a variety of helpful information that can greatly help them in the moving process. This includes Red Flag Indicators of Moving Fraud, Moving Fraud Prevention Checklist as well as FMCSA’s National Consumer Complaint Database to check of any complaints or issues were recorded under the moving company you intend to hire.

In the hopes of putting moving fraud to an end, the Federal government, the state and local government and local enforcement agencies, and the moving industry have come together to fight moving fraud. Of course, consumers also have a crucial part to play. So, for you to have a smooth and safe move, check out FMCSA’s Protect Your Move site.

Government and DB business are Related

Business and government are the two most influential organizations in any society. Together, the two regulate public policy, both foreign and domestic, for a country. reiseauskunft dbThe regulations, policies, and practices of the government can affect the nature, functioning and growth of the business system to a large extent. Thus, before DB railway transport creates their reiseauskunft db, they have to follow the policies given by the state.

In a condition of political strength, businessmen venture to take bigger risks and business flourishes. In a very similar way, the philosophy of the ruling party regulates the extent and nature of economic growth. If the ruling party relies on socialism, government control and ownership of the business will grow.

Political risk and DB business

Any activity, commercial or not, is exposed to many risks. One of them is the political risk that is also called the risk of sovereignty. The definition of political risk is more complex.  But it can be said that the risk that originates in economic policy measures or in military measures adopted by the state for reasons that sometimes aim to protect national interests is called political risk. So it is the possibility that political changes no longer guarantee the integrity of the private or associated property, the return and transfer of capital or profits made by investors, especially foreign ones.

DB business does not work without the state

Politics and business are interconnected, related and interdependent in a variety of ways. There is no successful economy without legal certainty and efficient infrastructure. It is not just the performance of one that the other parasitically benefits from.

Political environment affecting DB business

The political environment can have a great influence on both the wider corporate community and individual businesses. For instance, it can either simplify business transactions by eliminating trading barriers or produce increased levels of ambiguity because of greater political instability.

Therefore, companies should take sufficient measures to permit them to deal with any possible international and domestic political changes.

Any business must always attempt to keep updated with any opportunities, changes, and threats influencing and shaping its political environment. For instance, an unbalanced political environment and growing political pressure in a certain area may hurt the appeal of local businesses.



The Role of Politicians in the Fight Against Skin Cancer



A number of Members of the ACT general assembly are within the hot seat today as they need their skin checked to assist promote the vital importance of self-examination and early detection within the prevention of carcinoma.

Local dermatologist and President of the Australasian College of Dermatologists, Dr. Andrew Miller, will conduct the skin checks as a part of an area push to work out more people within the ACT community progressing to know their skin better and protecting against future skin damage.

The skin checks are arranged by Cancer Council ACT in conjunction with the ACT Australian Medical Association (AMA), as a sequel to National carcinoma Action Week, as how to encourage all to be ‘skin smart’.

Recent data has shown adults don’t seem to be as sun savvy as their children and lots of still spend time within the sun without protection.


ALSO READ: How Technology Impacts Politics


Dr. Miller said, “Often we see Australian parents neglecting to protect themselves well from the harm of UV rays while being able to protect their children using hats, sunscreen (like the ones featured at), and rashies. It is never too late to guard your skin as two-thirds of adults developing carcinoma in their lifetime.”

Cancer Council ACT CEO, Sandra Turner, says the most recent Cancer Council National Sun Survey shows adults are using more sunscreen but not wearing the maximum amount of clothing for correct UV protection.

“It is important to hide up; slip, slop, slap, seek shade, and slide on sunglasses as UV levels within the ACT above three throughout most of the day from now until the end of May.

“We want to determine more adults within the ACT joining their children in being SunSmart. Getting our flesh pressers to steer by example is a technique to induce the message out there,” said Sandra.


Is Politics Changing how Games are Created?

Political matters in video games such as in RAID Shadow Legends could be a contentious thing. A lot of people would prefer to veer away from this topic as it is seen more of a personal point-of-view of the person. Additionally, it is a subject that comes up whenever players feel of escaping into their fantasy world suddenly reminding them of the real-world problems.

Politics is Everywhere

On the other hand, it is completely impossible to leave out politics from our lives. Because whether you like it or not, politics is applied from our work, negotiating with a deal and everything in between. Of course, even in game development, politics is part of it.

Indeed, discussing politics is quite uncomfortable to some people. However, it comes with caveats. Nowadays, games may seem to be intertwined with politics. Oftentimes, when thinking about politics, we are thinking of politicians – from topics regarding game addictions, particularly during the peak of World of Warcraft, loot boxes and topics of whether shooting games are causing violence in real world or not.

All these matters have made politicians to take interest in video games whenever it became obvious that it is playing a big role in our lives.

Politics as Part of Game Development

The overall awareness that a lot of people are playing video games is what pushed it to grow into a multibillion-dollar industry. This is also why politics has become an essential element of any games being released today. As a term, politics is multifaceted and it is applicable to any construct the either governs or helps people to live with each other.

Games, even though it isn’t about revolution or shouting objection in the courtroom have fundamental rights and duties to citizens in achieving political goals, one of which is to live harmoniously together.

Awareness in Games and Politics

Games might have become more political and not to mention, there have been so many changes in the world today too. Now, we are more informed of politics not just in our own backyard but also, in other nations as well. Because of these things, we are able to have our own point-of-view on political discourse and at the same time, identify when a certain game is trying to replicate current events.

Germany: Train Drivers Went On Stike, Passengers Left Stranded

BERLIN. On August 11, Wednesday. Train drivers who went on a strike (regarding payment issues) are seriously affecting traffic across Germany, adding pressure to the European supply chain, which is in high demand during the summer, and disappointing to many passengers.

Information from Deutsche Bahn (auskunft deutsche bahn). The railway company said in a statement that approximately 190 freight trains have ceased operations, and the strike has had a significant impact on industrial supply chains in Germany and Europe, which have been affected by the COVID-19 bottleneck. He said it could be given.

After COVID-19 restrictions were relaxed, many people went on summer vacation, and passenger demand was high.

Akim Staus, Byrne spokesperson said the company managed to continue operations of some of its long-distance trains and hopes to run between major cities at least every two hours.

“Today, we are committed to helping people reach their destinations,” Staus said.

It is said that the strike will continue until Friday morning.

According to Forsa’s survey of TV channels RTL and n-tv, 50% of the respondents opposed the strike, and 42% believed that the strike was appropriate.

The stranded passengers waited for the delayed train at stations across Germany.

“I understand and support this strike, but the problem is that there is very little information about it on the Internet,” said David Zhengyu, a traveler trapped in Berlin Central Station.

The German Automobile Industry Association (VDA) stated that the strike may exacerbate problems in the logistics industry, which must recover from the effects of the pandemic.

VDA President Hildegard Muller told Reuters: “Due to supply chain disruptions may quickly lead to production shutdowns, long-term strikes will cause huge losses to companies.”

President Klaus Wesselski told ZDF on Wednesday that the GDL union representing some train drivers will decide whether to continue the strike next week.

According to Wezelski, the passenger strike that began at 0200 local time on Wednesday (0000 GMT) has so far brought about 700 trains to a halt.

GDL is asking for an increase of about 3.2% in salary and a one-time coronavirus allowance of 600 euros. Deutsche Bahn proposes to increase wages in two stages within the next two years, but the union hopes to increase wages at an early date.

Japan National Railways reported that with the relaxation of COVID-19 travel restrictions and freight improvement after a loss of 5.7 billion euros in 2020, business began to recover in April.

The company expects to return to profitability in 2022, but the floods that hit western Germany last month caused losses of approximately 1.3 billion euros (1.53 billion US dollars).

Bomber Jacket during the War

As right on time as World War I when planes had open cockpits, pilots started looking for attire to give warmth and solace in the cool temperatures of the open skies. In this way the introduction of the incredible “Bomber Jacket” or “Flight Jacket” was conceived.

Throughout the long term, there have been numerous varieties from the informal and mainstream early cowhide plane coats of 1915 through 1917 to later authority military issue aircraft coats, for example, the 1931 “A2 Bomber Jacket.”

Initially, pilots and groups wore whatever they could discover in light of the fact that no formal or official apparel was given to deal with the outrageous cold and climate conditions the pilots looked in The Second Great War. Weighty long cowhide coats immediately became well known with tight cozy sleeves around the writs, tight fit around the midriffs, and high collars to help shield from the virus. These are the plan rules that are at the center of what today we ordinarily consider as a flight coat or aircraft coat.

Toward the finish of The Second Great War, the US armed force made the Aviation Clothing Board and began appropriating these hefty cowhide coats.

When World War II broke out, the US Air Corp was conveying the A2 mens bomber jacket — the Navy and Marine Corp were given a comparable coat that became known as the G-1. As airplane innovation created all through the conflict, planes were presently flying at a lot higher elevations and a lot higher rates. Temperatures inside these planes – frequently flying with open entryways – plunged! Also, the up-to-date plane coats began to offer way to a lot hotter coat with a covering of fleece or hide. These new coats were promoted by the B3 Bomber Flight Jacket, a huge fleece and hide fixed coat with huge freight pockets.

Ground faculty and flight teams immediately embraced the pilot’s B3 Bomber Jacket and the new B7 Flight Jacket turned into the moment rage.

After 10 years presented the new age of the stream with its encased compartments and more consideration should have been paid to the glow, solace, and wellbeing of the pilots. The B-15 Flight Jacket was planned out of nylon and other manufactured materials to keep the pilot both warm and dry. The lighter weight and more adaptable solace was additionally valued. As fly innovation kept on creating, the MA-1 coat eliminated the hide collars since they meddled with the tackle of the pilot’s parachute. Today, you can regularly discover both the B-15 and the MA-1 with and without the hide collars.

An exemplary flight coat or aircraft coat is think about a both a jazzy and pragmatic garment. Appropriate for an evening to remember or a commonsense outside trip – and ought to be in each man’s storeroom.

House Cleaning Services And Government Cleaning Contracts

Professional house cleaning services provide homeowners a very important service, especially at this time where cleanliness and sanitation is extremely essential. You may think that hiring expert house cleaning services may be an add to your expenses, however in these circumstances, the advantages prevail over the cost of their services. But, if you do your research, there are professional house cleaning services providing quality services at affordable rates.

House Cleaning Services in Philadelphia

In Philadelphia, Hometress is one of the most reliable and trusted cleaning company to hire for expert house cleaning services. They have professionally trained cleaners so as to provide you with a clean, sanitized, tidy, fresh and comfortable living and working environment. With a clean and disinfected home environment, you can be certain that you and your family are protected against harmful microorganisms allowing you to relax and be worry-free.

Booking the house cleaning services of Homestress is easy. Simply visit their website, choose from their range of residential cleaning services, book a date and time that’s best for you, and they will take care of the rest. If it is commercial cleaning that you require, they offer it as well.

Cleaning Contracts From The Government

For cleaning companies, cleaning contracts with the government could be a major income source. However, cleaning contracts from the government don’t come by that easily as there are numerous cleaning companies competing for these contracts.

The great news is that cleaning contracts for the government could come from the local, state and federal level, which are profitable and typically entails some paperwork. Whichever level of the government you choose; it is crucial to know that bids for cleaning contracts in the government are different from bids in the private sector, as well as what you have to do to in order to win these bids.

One of the major benefits of winning cleaning contracts from the government is that they have the potential for them to be a long-term job. Although some are spot bids, wherein the contract expires when the job is done, other bids are for long term, which could guarantee your cleaning business a long-term source of income so long as you continue to carry out the job efficiently and satisfactorily.

The Impact of SEO on Political Campaigns

Google Search


What is worse than the candidate not using a campaign site? It is using a site that nobody could find. HTML (search engine optimization) is a method of producing your articles to make them even more appealing to search engines and also have them rank high for applicable searches.

Why is SEO important for politicians? It isn’t only social media that has an effect, but search engine outcomes have an impact over Republicans too.

To Receive Your campaign site on Google and other search engines, utilize these fundamental political Search Engine Optimization strategies:

Boost your effort site pages

To get a website to look in search results, it ought to be optimized thus a search engine knows what the material is all about.

Utilize appropriate page names

The webpage name is a significant search engine rank component. The principal keyword or phrase linked to the webpage ought to be featured at least one time from the page title. Because of this, page name tags on your webpage HTML should definitely relate to your own webpage. To make sure your entire name tag reveals from Google search results, your name should be approximately 65 characters or not. You’re able to create longer names, but they could be truncated from the outcomes.

The page name is shown in the upper edge of the internet browser when a visitor sees your own site. This functions as an anchor so the visitor knows exactly where he or she’s on your site. Most internet browsers just display the initial 95 characters of your name tag. For name tags of more than 95 personalities, browsers will just harvest the label.

Compose fascinating meta description tags

The description meta tag is exactly that which generally displays as a hyperlink description from search engine result pages (SERPs).

Create person meta descriptions for every page. This label is meant to be a short and concise overview of your webpage’s content. If you don’t add a description, then the default description from the website Setup is going to be utilized. A couple of sentences is greatest. Anything more will get truncated from the various search engines. Attempt to create your descriptions persuasively, so people may wish to click your search outcome.

Optimize your website images by adding descriptions.

Alt tags also called “alt descriptions” can be used in HTML code to spell out a webpage picture’s look and purpose. By way of instance, if you’ve got an image of a candidate, then you may want to establish your image alt tag for a description such as, ‘Bob Smith, Candidate for TinyTown Mayor’. This will enable your page position to get your candidate’s title, and there is a fantastic possibility the picture itself may show up in the picture search results.

Insert an outline alt tag for the site graphics, especially your candidate mind shots.

Page titles, description tags, and image alt tags could be put in your Online Candidate website management. Every sample page includes a description label you ought to customize to your effort.

1 thing to look out for with graphics is how big you make them. Large image files may affect a website load slowly. Google may punish slow sites from search results, which means you are going to need your pictures to be sized correctly within both pixel and file size.

You are able to examine your website’s loading rate by Google’s PageSpeed Insights Tool. It’ll let you know your site speed and provide you feedback regarding the way you’re able to speed this up.

Your pages must incorporate the crucial text essential for the research engines (and website traffic ) to understand that who you are and what it is it is that you are searching for. This information must include your entire location (such as state), election or primary date, contact info, and some other proper disclaimers. More about that below.

Politics and correlation: Produce content that works

A ‘lean website’ is really a site with very little material. A ‘lean’ political offender website might just include a house page, contact page, and perhaps a donation page.

When integrating SEO to get a political site, it begins with your domain. With no fantastic fitting domain name, you’ll be blessed into a position to get a candidate’s name. There simply is not enough meat to get a search engine to be aware of what the website is all about.

Here is the way to receive your campaign site into Google.

Consume at 8-10 articles webpages. Including your home page, subject webpages, and blog articles. Contact webpages, form webpages, and disclaimer pages don’t count.

The very ideal approach to place enough meat on your website is to write about what’s significant to your origin. This is sometimes accomplished through static difficulty web pages alongside a site section to article updates and extra content.

Craft web pages especially for every significant campaign issue.

Make certain to include applicable phrases (TinyTown visitors traffic in TinyTown, Tinytown traffic issues, etc.) on your page title and also during the entire body of the text, wherever appropriate. Divide your text into manageable chunks and use subheadings to make the content readable and plausible. Connect to associated sources. As an instance, if your webpage is all about visitors, join out to pertinent articles or internet traffic research addressing the issue.

Cross-link pages inside your site.

Where it is logical inside the material of a webpage, connect to some other pages. By way of instance, you might have a listing of significant issues on your house page. You may well want to join from the term ‘TinyTown visitors’ or ‘visitors in TinyTown’ right to your page. This cross-linking will work as a sign to the search engines also assembles relevancy. Attempt to steer clear of generic hyperlinks such as, “Click “.

Social Networking accounts aid.

Associated links help construct overall value, which assists internet pages rank for applicable searches. Social networking accounts (not personal articles ) provide invaluable hyperlinks back to your website.

Along with internal hyperlinks inside your website, you will want to make traffic (or hyperlinks from other internet sources) on your site.

Links are the currency of the Net

Links between sites help determine exactly how and what’s on search engine results. Even a couple of backlinks, or 백링크 in Hangul, can aid your website to begin to rank.

The simplest traffic comes out of the effort’s social networking accounts.

From the profile section, ensure that your social accounts connected to your site. If you post fresh content to your website, be sure to mention that this content via your social networking accounts.

The most well-known websites for political targets include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

Are there any regional or local websites that would agree to connect to your website?

What about other regional candidates and associations? Are there any state and county political sites that could relate to your website? Ask them to set a link from their site to yours and offer to do the exact same to them. By trading links, you can benefit from the cross-traffic and deliver exposure to other people considering similar problems.

Online press releases may also help with your link-building attempts.

Craft a short press launch and syndicate it online. In the event you decide to use a completely complimentary service, we advocate onlineprnews, since it automatically joins any URLs which that you put in the release. If you’d like a much greater internet promotional alternative, try out a paid PR website such as Once you syndicate a launch on a single website, it is inclined to be picked up from additional PR sites.

Inform local and newspaper sites.

Inform the regional networking on your new webpage or articles. Including both local papers and websites or news sites which cover your geographical place. You might choose to utilize your press release to this intention. Again, if at all you can, have some links from such types of sources point right to your own topic page as opposed to your site home page.

TIP: If you connect to another web page or blog, add a link right to the appropriate page you’re mentioning and use a whole URL, beginning with https://.


ALSO READ: How Technology Impacts Politics


What keyword phrases do you really wish to rank?

It is an easy enough question. Every participant needs their site to seem to look at peak of the search engine success. However, what other search terms are you targeting?

Some attempts have a tough enough time rank to your candidate’s title. But let us assume you currently have a website, and you have done to look for searches in your title along with your effort.

Great, but it does not mean that your work is completed.

What else would be the voters and components looking for?

Which are the sexy campaign issues and problems of this day? Have you ever assembled pages addressing them around? This usually means making the webpage title, meta description, and webpage text centered on a specific phrase or associated phrases.

It might also imply developing a media release concerning the subject that connects back to a webpage. (Your webpage must also link to the press launch, too.) Produce a related movie, in case you’ve got the means. Mentions in your own social networking accounts and scroll straight back to your own articles also help those things rank to your targeted phrases.

With some moment, you’ll have your personal content look at a couple of top ten search results for phrases that are important for your effort. It requires a while to map out your targets and put together superior content, however, the outcomes could be enormous both in exposure and traffic to voters.

And that is the actual objective of internet domination!

Create effort search engine results

Creating search engine results for your effort is recommended. Begin with making a Google Account. You might have your Gmail accounts, but you ought to make a new Google account especially for your effort.

Many campaigns produce an effort Gmail accounts for a means to begin. Accounts are free and make it possible for you access to numerous helpful services, such as AdWords, Google Analytics, and much more. The Google Lookup Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools) provides comprehensive information regarding your website’s visibility on Google and what other websites link to a site, chances to diagnose website difficulties, and data about how visitors arrive on your website.

Implementing basic optimization approaches for a campaign election site will go quite a ways to entice more traffic. This means more visitors to realize your message and possible donors and volunteers.

However, your job does not finish with fundamental SEO…

Political SEO and Internet reputation management

Political campaigns have to keep a watch about how they show up online. Bearing this in the area is a component of online reputation management.

Essentially, you wish to control what looks for searches associated with you personally and problems linked to your effort.

  • Your effort website and societal profiles will normally often appear in the very initial results in search positions. But you wish to ensure your social profiles have been complete and frequently updated in order to allow them to stay relevant.
  • Plans in political internet reputation management will help can maintain positive information appearing in hunts. In case you’ve got bad items which seem, replace this content with more favorable web pages, articles, media news, or release posts.
  • If you’re able to acquire adverse material pushed beyond the very first page results, you’re most likely protected because nearly all people never look beyond the very first page of search results.

SEO for political aims, together with online reputation monitoring can help you to stay front and center before Republicans.


Connection of Computer Games and Politics

Did you know that kidnapped princesses are yesterday? Computer games are increasingly devoted to political issues. They deal with escape or have homosexual main characters. However, this discussion of politics often remains on the surface.

Politics and computer games, not really a new phenomenon?

god simulator game

Even if Super Mario saves the kidnapped Princess Peach, there is already a certain image of society in it. The woman remains passive, the man is active and solves the problem. Like other forms of culture, computer games such as the god simulator game reflect the social values ​​and political ideas of the time they were created. In recent years, a new quality has been added. Game developers are increasingly making targeted political statements and reflecting on stereotypical representations. Politics is no longer a side effect, it is an intention.

Well, the political agenda is added to the fun of the game. That might put players off. The end product, however, carefully avoids taking sides. Nobody should be deterred from buying computer games.

The rules of the game are based on the real political dimension

Just as an advertising poster tries to convince you to buy with visual rhetoric, certain relationships are also expressed in the regular processes of computer games. This can be rhetorically convincing. A game can be very progressive on the surface, for example, through the representation of marginalized groups. The game mechanics nevertheless convey a more conservative view of the world.

In terms of cultural history, computer games are a by-product of the development of scientific and military measuring and control instruments. This legacy can still be seen in their play structures to this day. The majority is about optimizing control and measuring performance.

Computer games have rarely been used as explicit propaganda

It still seldom happens very explicitly. Since 2002, the US military has been actively trying to recruit new recruits with the free first-person shooter America’s Army. And the Islamist Hezbollah tried the same thing in 2003 with the first-person shooter Special Force. However, it is mostly smaller developer studios and private individuals who develop propaganda games and game modifications. So far, however, their influence has been minimal. In the future, however, it will also be decisive how the mentioned, unconscious handing down of ideologies is dealt with on a game-mechanical level.


How Technology Impacts Politics

There are plenty of hot button political issues out there. Nevertheless, some are so strongly rooted in governmental discussion that they not only manifest as a heated topic on the campaign trail, but affect the plots behind the scenes, and even the way that we, as individual citizens, observe politics and consume legislative data.


Maybe the most easy way that technology influences politics is as a means for political players like legislators, states and other groups to fully know , contract with and rally citizens of the public to their cause, as well as show executive, messaging. We see this in action every time we see a campaign advertisement on TV, see a political ad on Facebook or receive a flyer in the mail.


More controversially, most federal applicants and many political institutions have powerful stances on several topics that have to do with technology, such as data privacy. Several politicians (and members of the public) feel complete about guarding the rights of people to privacy. The “right to be ignored” has grown to be about a household term, and in some political circles, such as the Libertarian Party, this right is as essential to personal liberty as right of speech.


Politicians and political systems aren’t the only ones that employ technology to develop politics. The emergence of digital platforms, even games housetech Ireland particularly social media, has given individual citizens the means to impact political change on a level like never before.


As any IT manager is aware of, similar advancements in technology that permits us to work and play in systems like never before also permit nefarious actors to cause confusion or harm like never before. While some hackers spend many hours trying to obtain personal or financial information, many are committed to  disturbing the political world. These works often go beyond basic hacking for the sake of hacking.

Write About Politicians And Their Cars

Politicians are often followed by the press when they go about their day, which means that they have a large amount of media coverage. Similarly, their cars often get lots of press. But it’s always worth writing about what politicians drive especially if you plan on submitting a writing entry to Car Write For Us.

What do politicians drive?

To start, most politicians drive either very small, fuel-efficient cars or luxurious cars. One of the most famous politicians in the UK drove a £125,000 car which was later sold for £50,000.

But sometimes politicians drive cars that aren’t very well-known.

In the US, former President Barack Obama drove a 2009 Lexus. This car was known as the ‘Beast’ because of its sheer size and weight. The car was so large that it was impossible to park in most public places.

Politicians also drive a lot of cars which are used by regular people. For example, Barack Obama drove the 2008 Chevrolet Malibu. This car was the cheapest car that he owned.

In the UK, the most famous politician to drive a car which was used by average people was David Cameron. The car that he drove was a 1999 Ford Mondeo.

Other politicians have driven cars which nobody has ever heard of. For example, in the UK, Tony Blair drove a 1980s Rover 800. In the US, George W. Bush drove a 1980s Cadillac.

Luxurious cars politicians own

One of the most famous cars that Obama drove in the US was the Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow. The car was so expensive that it wasn’t very fuel-efficient. In fact, one of Obama’s aides said that Rolls-Royce was more like a ‘lifestyle car’ than a car for the road.

Another car that was owned by a politician was the Bentley. The Bentley was a luxury car that was owned by a number of politicians. The car was so expensive that it was bought by a number of politicians, including Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Politicians also drove a number of sports cars. For example, Bill Clinton owned a Lamborghini Diablo. George W. Bush owned a Ford Mustang.

In the UK, Tony Blair owned a Jaguar XJ6. David Cameron owned a Range Rover.

Skin Care and the Politics Behind It

US Congress


The beauty sector as a whole is worth billions of dollars into the US market every year. Being this kind of boost to the economy, together with favorite brands exporting all over the Earth, that the ‘soft-power’ of makeup in the united states truly is a political thought that occasionally gets debated.

The Desktop of the Regulation of Makeup

Considering that the skincare and beauty sector truly started to flourish in the USA from the early 20th century, and it has often grown to be a subject of disagreement concerning regulation and the way the security of consumers could be assured. Cosmetic goods fall under the remit of their Food and Drugs Administration, which amazingly has not updated its regulations about the makeup sector in rather a long moment. Before the action of 1938 that introduced regulations on the makeup sector, tracked and maintained by the FDA, the makeup industry was infamous for using poisonous ingredients like ginseng, lead, and radium. Whilst not necessarily ideal, the skincare and beauty business has obtained significant leaps forward concerning product security because of the ancient days — with valid regulations, and enhanced public awareness surrounding security and integrity, supplying the inspiration for transformation in the business.


ALSO READ: The Reasons People Need Access to Government Websites


Should Political Regulations Be Upgraded?

As lately as 2015, Congress has been apprehended an overhaul of regulations enclosing the cosmetics sector, and compels have been designed for improved political oversight. Upgraded regulations have been broadly welcomed, using a greater customer concentrate on the security of the merchandise they use in addition to the integrity that underpins them take the rising belief that creature testing ought to be prohibited for instance.

The beauty business has changed a whole great deal because regulations were brought into force in 1938, together with companies like Verso Skincare increasing in popularity and supplying more innovative products, such as Facial Cleansing Brushes, than in the past. New ingredients have been found all of the time, together with lots of trials and studies have been conducted into the efficacy of unique ingredients in skincare products along with the cosmetics that a number of us place on our own bodies.

Further Political Things in the Business

It had been said at the onset of the article the beauty market is worth billions of dollars into the US market. Obviously, this contributes to considerable political interest concerning economics. Different political allegiances will require differing perspectives on the economics supporting big businesses, together with the conventional left perspective being that of presenting taxation on the earnings and profits from big businesses and regulating their merchandise. On the flip side, what could stereotypically be regarded as a right-wing and conservative perspective are the decrease in taxes for companies and making it easy for organizations to produce trade and products as potential; via tax breaks and advantages as well as a limit of regulations. The social justice and moral campaigns frequently pushed forwards by modern-day manufacturers appeal to younger, more and generally more liberal, viewers — however, the business-minded political perspectives of people who have these businesses may differ in the customers who buy in their brands.

What’s going to occur with regulations encompassing makeup remains to be seen, however, something that is guaranteed is that politicians will always are interested in this sector that is wealthy.


Things to Help Ease the Stress From Political Climate

Political situations push people to formulate negative assumptions. These negative assumptions are not just simple comments. These were surely originated from a particular happening that possibly affected them. Though most of the time, it is being seen as a normal thing, this still has a very big effect to one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Since, problems arising from politics are inevitable, people should adjust and think of ways on how to manage all the stress and handle different political situations in a manner that they will not breakdown. The following can be done to have a more peaceful life within a complicated political world and climate:

  1. Think of yourself first. If you are the type of person who is fond of giving his or her reactions and always express him or herself publicly, you might as well think of taking care of yourself first and more before anything else. Yes, you should start from the most basic. Have enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, make sure to exercise everyday, pray and always think positive. These basic procedures can be followed in whatever order you want to do it. What’s important is you make time and effort for it and for sure, you will reap the benefits of being determined to that kind of discipline. Try to invest on Centrifugal Juicers for a more convenient balance diet food preparation.
  2. Detox. This does not only pertains to what you should consider eating to have the holistic health approach. Detox from social media. We cannot deny that with just a click we will be able to see everything that is happening in the world and of course the comments and different perceptions of other people about it. Most of the time nowadays, the differences of people are more toxifying compared to the actual news. While you respect theirs, a lot will have something more to say about yours. So limiting yourself from vising online platforms will surely help.


Damaging Link Building Ideas to Steer Clear of

Before we get into how you are able to gain backlinks to your website, it is important to understand what sort of traffic you should avoid at any cost. There’s nobody stopping you from acquiring a backlink from everywhere, and that is where in lies the danger.

In case you choose to go for the incorrect kind of backlinks, you will get a greater probability of being penalized by Google. Based on how poor these backlinks are, you might wind up obtaining an algorithmic or even a manual punishment.

Say No to Many Irrelevant Link Building

As soon as it’s not possible to be 100% secure from insignificant links, you ought to at least attempt to steer clear of the majority. Concentrate on being relevant together with your link building as far as you can. You need to get a reputable link building services agency.

Say No Public Networks

Purchasing backlinks is simple on the net, particularly from a public community. And that is what makes them poor. You won’t find those networks calling themselves, but that is exactly what they are. No “private blog network” promotes in the start.

The thing to know here is, public networks really are poor for link building. Not simply because they seem unethical, but also because Google hasn’t preferred them. In reality, any site that’s leveraging this type of community receives in the bad books of Google. Which means their standing can go for a throw. Google understands precisely how to recognize those public networks, because of those red flags.

  • Red flag #1: You locate a massive number of outgoing connections on the site of those networks, and Google understands a normal homepage won’t connect to 50-60 sites.
  • Red flag #2: These incoming links aren’t in any way relevant to the community, nor to every other. You might discover a link to your gaming site right aside from a backlink to a fitness site.
  • Red flag #3: The majority of the content published on these networks resides from the pre-Google-Panda era. To put it differently, it is super-thin.

Say No to Do-Follow Blog Comments

As we will look farther in this blog post, blog commenting for link building isn’t bad. It is only bad once you do it wrong.

A site that accepts do-follow backlinks in the remark usually sees spammers thronging it. A massive number of inbound links which aren’t applicable is a large red flag.

Strictly speaking, you do not need your connection in exactly the exact same area of those backlinks. Because being at the “bad neighborhood” will send the incorrect signal to Google. The further you avoid this kind of environment, the greater it is to enhance SEO for your website.

Say No to Sidebar/Footer Links

People may assert that there isn’t anything wrong to receive your backlink put from the sidebar or footer. But, there’s still risk with this kind of positioning of backlinks due to the fact that they seem just like sponsored/paid links. Even if your goal is real, Google would not have any idea.

Additionally, it’s contrary to the principles of Google to market any kind of traffic, but that is precisely what sellers do. You’ll end up in a terrible neighborhood again. Odds are that the majority of these websites aren’t pertinent to your link. However, that does not prevent a seller from saying yes to any deal that comes their way to your money’s sake.

Quality connection building does not need to be complex. Actually, at times it is as straightforward as requesting bloggers or other pertinent sites to link to you. It isn’t important if your website is new or when you know a few people in your specialty. You could always approach little and medium-sized websites which have already connected to websites like yours.

When political stress harms health


Angela Merkel trembles. Experts agree: In the stressful political job, reporting on the state of health creates even more pressure.

Videos are not enough

The guesswork in the German media continues anyway. The Leipziger Volkszeitung quotes the chief physician of the Clinic for Neurology / Clinical Neurophysiology and the Parkinson’s Clinic Neustadt in Schleswig-Holstein, Uwe Jahnke. He says: “After seeing the videos, I think it’s quite possible that it’s an orthostatic tremor. This is an extremely rare but harmless explanation, in which tremors usually occur only when standing.” As soon as you get moving, the tremors let go. This was also the case with Merkel in all three recent cases.

In any case, the Southgerman newspaper points out that a glance at a video clip is not enough. The chancellor herself has made it clear that she is not prepared to give further information: “I believe that what I have said about it has been made today, and I believe that a statement that I am doing well can be accepted.”

Public interest

It is also clear that the reports touch on a very sensitive area between the public interest in the health of elected officials and the privacy that everyone, whether a small civil servant or chancellor, is entitled to. And, according to doctors in the German media, they could above all also have a negative impact on the chancellor’s condition – namely, if the talk about Merkel’s health continues to put pressure on Merkel. It could be another of many stress factors that politicians are at the mercy of in their daily work.

The effects of chronic stress on health are well researched. Basically, stress is not negative, but a vital and normal physiological process. It ensures that people accept challenges and are efficient. In acute stress fulcrums, stress hormones are produced in the brain, which reach all organs via the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This activates the immune system and release hormones such as adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. In addition, blood sugar levels rise at short notice and provide a temporary energy boost.

Unhealthy profession

However, if the stress becomes chronic, the body is on permanent alert. “What is important is not the prevention of stress, but the correct handling of it,” says the Viennese neurologist Wolfgang Lalouschek. In the absence of phases of regeneration, the overproduction of cortisol not only leads to an increased release of insulin, but also to poorer blood flow to all organs and to an increase in blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

Cortisol also ensures that the body produces less melatonin and serotonin. A lack of these hormones causes permanently stressed people to sleep poorly, the body has hardly any more opportunities to regenerate. The result is increased fatigue, lack of concentration and an increased risk of depression.

It is probably no coincidence that relatively many leaders are getting sick. Politics is an unhealthy bone job that allows hardly any free time. Even on holiday, Merkel and co must be constantly available. Helmut Schmidt had a life-threatening heart muscle inflammation in 1980, followed by a heart attack in 2002. Horst Seehofer also had a heart muscle infection. Asking Angela Merkel again and again about her state of health and building up stress is certainly not health-promoting.
