Politics and Digitalization
Politics and Digitalization

Political Diversity and Inclusion: Can Recruitment Portals Bridge the Gap?

Handshake after recruitment

Political diversity and inclusion have become increasingly important topics in today’s society. It’s essential to have diverse voices and perspectives in political discussions and decision-making processes.

However, achieving political diversity can be challenging, as various barriers can prevent individuals from diverse backgrounds from participating in politics. One potential solution to bridge the political diversity gap is the use of a recruitment form portal.

The Importance of Political Diversity

Political diversity encompasses a range of factors, including differences in political ideology, party affiliation, race, gender, age, socioeconomic status, and more. A diverse political landscape can lead to better decision-making, as it incorporates a wide array of viewpoints and experiences. It ensures that policies and laws are reflective of the needs and concerns of the entire population, rather than just a select group.

Barriers to Political Diversity

Several barriers contribute to the lack of political diversity:

  1. Lack of Representation: Underrepresented groups often feel that their voices are not heard or that their issues are not adequately addressed in politics.
  2. Access Barriers: Political participation may be hindered by factors such as limited access to education, voting restrictions, and socioeconomic disparities.
  3. Political Polarization: Extreme political polarization can discourage individuals from engaging in political discussions or running for office if they fear backlash or exclusion.
  4. Limited Recruitment: Political parties and organizations may not actively seek out diverse candidates, further perpetuating the lack of representation.
  5. Negative Stereotypes: Stereotypes and biases can create a hostile environment for individuals from diverse backgrounds, deterring them from entering politics.


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Recruitment Portals as a Solution

Recruitment portals, whether dedicated to political careers or general job listings, have the potential to address these barriers:

  1. Accessible Information: Portals can provide information about political opportunities, requirements, and the skills needed to succeed in politics, making the field more accessible to a broader audience.
  2. Networking: Online platforms facilitate networking and connections, allowing individuals from underrepresented groups to connect with mentors, supporters, and like-minded peers.
  3. Diverse Candidate Pools: Recruitment portals can actively promote diversity by encouraging a wide range of candidates to apply for political positions.
  4. Education and Training: Portals can offer educational resources and training programs to help individuals develop the skills needed for political careers.
  5. Reducing Bias: By emphasizing qualifications and merit, recruitment portals can help reduce biases and stereotypes that may deter diverse candidates from entering politics.


Achieving political diversity and inclusion is a multifaceted challenge, but recruitment portals can play a significant role in addressing these issues. By providing accessible information, fostering networking opportunities, and promoting diversity, these platforms have the potential to bridge the political diversity gap. It’s crucial for political organizations and parties to recognize the value of diversity and actively utilize recruitment portals as a tool for positive change in the political landscape.

A Closer Look at Ireland’s Flourishing Video Game Industry

Video game companies that set up offices in Ireland are now reaping the rewards of a business strategy originally considered for tax reduction purposes. While the gaming industry in general has been enjoying growth despite the pandemic outbreak, among the biggest earners are companies that shifted some of its operations in Northern Ireland.
Aside from the tax shields and tax credits, the country’s video games market has been experiencing phenomenal growth since 2020.

Irish Consumers are Now Spending More on Video Games

A market research report from Statista showed that Irish consumers have increased their spending on video games, the industry is currently experiencing impressive growth in terms of sales. Prior to the pandemic, video game revenues have been constantly growing at an annual rate of 5.2%. Yet the strong demand for video games in 2020 boosted revenue growth to €91 million. As the growth trend continues, revenue is estimated to hit €112 million by the year 2024.

Actually, the news journal The Independent already took notice in 2014 that video gaming in Ireland was already showing an upward trend. At that time, much of the increased interests in video games were coming from Ireland’s esports gamers and enthusiasts. However, the larger portion of the gaming revenues did not actually go to Ireland.

Ireland’s “Double Irish” Tax Tool

The Double Irish tax scheme introduced by European countries as a way to lure foreign businesses to set up shop in their soil was banned by the European Union in 2015. The scheme though is still in effect in Ireland and other non-EU member countries.

The Double Irish Tax Scheme(/strong) is actually a tax strategy available to multinational companies looking to reduce tax liabilities in their country of origin. In a Double Irish arrangement, the multinational companies need only to set up part of their business in a country offering the Double Irish tax tool. That way, they can shift some of their profits in the foreign country that imposes lower tax rates.

 The term Double Irish is used because the tax strategy requires the Irish subsidiary to first register its tax residency in a tax haven country like Switzerland or the Cayman Islands.

Overtime, the tax tool worked wonders for many tech companies, particularly the video games development industry. The Independent cited Riot Games as an example, which started out as a local tech support for irish players engaged in Riot’s massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG.)

The company later recruited and trained Irish talents to develop skills in designing, programming and publishing game content. Eventually Riot Games evolved into becoming a branch in which engineers, developers and publishers contributed to the tech giant’s overall gaming operations.

However, training local talents also posed as a setback for the company as some of the people they trained ventured into setting up their own video gaming business in Ireland. Somehow, the Double Irish scheme became a win-win situation for Ireland.

The indie Irish gaming companies proved instrumental in giving the country’s video gaming industry a boost. They developed games that met the gaming preferences of both young and adult Irish gamers. To date, there are nine home-grown video game companies in Ireland, which the Irish government supports with numerous tax credits, particularly for costs incurred in the development of video games.

The additional benefit is that other businesses like the gaming chair sector, are also benefiting from the popularity of video gaming. Households now recognize the importance of gaming chairs not only for their gaming pleasure but also for work-from-home and educational purposes.

As an aside inasmuch as gaming chairs have proliferated in Ireland as well, the website gaming chairs ireland have a large range of choices that have been tested by experts and reviewed by satisfied consumers.

Going Digital: Tips When Choosing an eBook Reading Device And The Benefits Of An E-government

It is clearly evident that digital technologies have quickly progressed reaching about 50% of the developing population of the world in just two decades as well as transforming many aspects of societies. By means of improving connectivity, access to public services and trades, and financial inclusions, technology could be an excellent equalizer. Society is indeed increasingly becoming digitalized and connected, in addition to computers and algorithms arbitrating and facilitating much of the daily activities of people by any means whatsoever.

In the last ten years, the publishing industry worldwide has gone through a great transformation. The application and expansion of digitalization in the publishing industry, such as electronic devices like e-readers, tablets, and smartphones, digital books formats and apps, and production systems like print-on-demand, have greatly revolutionized the world of books.

Today, e-readers are an everyday thing and is seen as well as used in many places. These devices are perfect for individuals who love to read however don’t want to be carrying around books and then keeping or recycling them after reading.

Tips When Choosing an eBook Reading Device. What You Should Know?

Frequently, e-books are way cheaper than physical books, so purchasing e-books makes a lot more sense. In addition to this, the prices of e-readers have also dropped making it a great time to purchase your own eBook reading device. But, with the available choices of e-readers in the market, choosing the best one to buy could become overwhelming. Hence, it is important to know what you should be looking for in an e-reader for you to make a good purchasing decision.

When it comes to selecting an e-reader, electronicbookreadingdevice.com provides very helpful information about e-readers. With their Tips when choosing an eBook Reading Device. What you should know?, you will learn from their comparison charts to their Buying Guides so you could find the best one in the market that will match your eBook reading needs.

To ensure you purchase the most suitable and best quality e-reader for you, it is imperative that you know what your choices are and the features they offer. If you don’t have any knowledge or information about what you are looking for in an e-reader, deciding on what to choose can take a toll on you. With that, here are some of the things that you should consider when selecting an eBook reading device.

  • Screen and Display. Most e-readers available in the market have the E-ink display screens. The E-ink or electronic ink technology mimics the appearance of a printed paper, won’t strain the eyes even when reading for long hours, as well as considerably improve the battery life of the eBook reader.
  • User Interface. An eBook reader is usually designed with numerous controls such as buttons, touchscreen, or both. With a touchscreen interface, ease-of-use is the key advantage, however this could shorten the life of the battery. Alternatively, e-readers with button controls are accurate as well as consume less power. But, when it comes to ease-of-use, button controls could be troublesome.
  • Battery Life. Battery life is vital, especially when reading for extended hours. Most eBook readers can last for weeks in a single charge. If an eBook reading device has various unnecessary apps, they can shorten the battery life of the device.
  • E-reader brands and models doesn’t only come with its own set of features, but also differs in terms of cost. Hence, you are surely bound to find a quality e-reader that will fit your budget.

The Advantages of E-government for Governance

The Internet as well as various electronic devices have indeed revolutionized many aspects our life and our society. Because of this, even governments are starting to recognize and enjoy the benefits of Internet and electronic device use through e-governance.

E-government is defined as the application of information technology by various agencies in the government sector that are responsible for transmitting information between and among citizens, businesses, as well as other government stakeholders.

The e-government has a broad range of goals, which includes improving public service delivery to citizens, bettering collaboration between industries and businesses, fostering citizen empowerment by means of information access, or establishing a governance that is more effective and efficient. With the positive advantages that e-government provides, there could be higher transparency, less corruption, faster and more accurate processes, as well reduced costs.

Primarily, the Paper Based System that is long applied by government agencies would be replaced and optimized with the e-government. Not only will time and money be saved, but the environment as well as consumption of paper use is greatly reduced.

With the implementation of the e-government, communication between the business sector and the government is bettered. This will allow small-scale businesses to vie against large-scale businesses in terms of public sectors. Therefore, creating and establishing a transparent and open market as well as a stronger economy.

Things to Help Ease the Stress From Political Climate

Political situations push people to formulate negative assumptions. These negative assumptions are not just simple comments. These were surely originated from a particular happening that possibly affected them. Though most of the time, it is being seen as a normal thing, this still has a very big effect to one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Since, problems arising from politics are inevitable, people should adjust and think of ways on how to manage all the stress and handle different political situations in a manner that they will not breakdown. The following can be done to have a more peaceful life within a complicated political world and climate:

  1. Think of yourself first. If you are the type of person who is fond of giving his or her reactions and always express him or herself publicly, you might as well think of taking care of yourself first and more before anything else. Yes, you should start from the most basic. Have enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, make sure to exercise everyday, pray and always think positive. These basic procedures can be followed in whatever order you want to do it. What’s important is you make time and effort for it and for sure, you will reap the benefits of being determined to that kind of discipline. Try to invest on Centrifugal Juicers for a more convenient balance diet food preparation.
  2. Detox. This does not only pertains to what you should consider eating to have the holistic health approach. Detox from social media. We cannot deny that with just a click we will be able to see everything that is happening in the world and of course the comments and different perceptions of other people about it. Most of the time nowadays, the differences of people are more toxifying compared to the actual news. While you respect theirs, a lot will have something more to say about yours. So limiting yourself from vising online platforms will surely help.


The Digitization of Politics

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence would have a greater impact on our society as a result of digitization. Several countries, including the United States and China, are currently leading the way in artificial intelligence research and development.

Artificial intelligence will only become popular in coming years, and it will be used by the politics. Of course, this will help to increase the political participation of all  people in society, especially those who are only politically involved to a small degree. This is helpful in the political process.

Concurrently, the internet has a technologies that the Committee is rightly critical. This is particularly true of techniques that can be used to sway elections. The use of these strategies slows down, if not completely destroys, the political process. It concerns, for example, delivering personalized election ads to particular individuals, persuading groups of electors to cross the bridge with selective claims, or filtering information within those platforms without being heard. Fake news, or “deep-fake,” in which video clips are manipulated, often plays a part in the spread of misinformation in society.

The plea for more transparency of the committee, especially on the side of political parties, or those participating in the elections participating is important. The question remains whether some recommendations have an effect. We must also consider that certain organizations or companies can also operate from abroad. When it comes to algorithms, things get a bit more difficult, especially when it comes to self-learning systems.

The question is whether we can use a platform for the dissemination of political information. It has become clear that borders sometimes are difficult to draw, while a mistake is easily made. Mots importantly  the side of society is aware and deliberated.

As the Committee correctly pointed out, the internet makes this much more informal, which can lead to polarization of opinion forming. One claims that one of them is more deliberation and comprehension of other viewpoints. “They like to increase understanding of the effect of digitization on our opinion creation.

Watch: How the Internet is Changing Politics

A process in which different supporters and opponents explain their positions and describe their objectives. Participate rather than refusing to distribute flyers. It’s important  that there’s a discussion such that the end result isn’t a statistical equation, like discussing in using ‘rapid‘ application development . As a result, They recommend that all referendum outcomes that are negative have no effect on the matter. In that situation, the dispute will continue, with a new vote likely being held within a year. The exact bandwidth and elaboration are also up for debate. It is the referendum outcomes that are reinforcing the social contrasts. As a result, They argue for a single binding outcome that only happens if a large portion of the political action.
