How it changed the Game: Internet & Politics
How it changed the Game: Internet & Politics

How it changed the Game: Internet & Politics

The widespread use of new information and communication technologies is today one of the fundamental factors of world development. The global Internet, as a fundamentally new interactive communication channel, plays an essential role in all spheres of society, including political. Information and communication technologies today open up new effective means of communication between citizens, political institutions and government.

In this regard, the study of Internet technologies of political communications, addressed directly to public opinion, mass consciousness, and the political behavior of large groups of people and individuals, seems to be especially relevant.

Most of the politicians

Created network projects did not believe that the use of Internet technologies would bring them any practical benefits. This stereotype led to the emergence of many Internet resources, the owners of which did not quite understand why they needed them. Visually and substantively, such sites were, as a rule, of the same average quality, since they were created according to the same template by non-professional developers.

After the owner of the resource lost the initial interest in the Internet (which was often associated with disappointment in new technologies, but in reality – with the loss of faith in the myth about the Internet), such sites were closed, as happened with most of the online representations of political figures after the elections.

The rapid development of the information and political sector of the Internet in the early 2000s made the Network a full-fledged source of information, a working tool for journalists.

Need to know reviews of websites?

The advantage of Internet communication is feedback, which has become so rare in political public relations using traditional communication channels. It is obvious that representatives of the ruling party are practically absolute leaders in terms of their presence in the “traditional” media space, primarily television.

Political Internet communications

Are becoming an increasingly important player on the political scene. Options for the presence of political relations with the public on the Internet: sites of a political party, bloc, politicians; e-mailing; Forums, online conferences; chats, internet ratings, e-voting, blogs, social networks, video hosting (YouTube).

In today’s reality, no self-respecting political candidate can ignore social media. It is necessary for a politician to be present on the Big Four networks: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr. As the world’s most popular and fastest growing networks, they represent four different ways to publish information and connect with voters:

The use of social media resources

It is the main direction in the development of political relations with the public on the Internet. Moreover, new technologies lead to the gradual formation of a new style of public relations based on a genuine dialogue between civil society and the authorities.

It is obvious that Internet technologies are gradually becoming one of the most important tools of political communication, at the same time serving as a criterion for a democratic political process and a guarantee of the successful development of civil society institutions.
