The following are some of the issues being said to be politically connected:
- Poverty. A lot believe that poverty is one of the results of poor governance of the elected leaders. The poor even becomes poorer because of the abusive leaders a country has. Not all but most of the time, injustice and lack of fairness affects the people who do not really have adequate social representation about and of politics and everything about it. Unfortunately, these group of people are the ones who are being abused because obviously, they do not have the power or even the voice to be heard.
- Corruption. The most common problem that is being thrown to anyone who has a public position. The cause of poverty and lack of funds. The cause of conflicts and complications between cities, provinces, regions, and even nations.
- Social or Race Discrimination. An issue that is common to countries that has strong social divisions. Where one group is superior over the other when technically they should just be equal. A group is treated differently compared to others.
- Dynasty. In some countries, this is also a sign of discrimination. A dynasty pertains to leaders who are blood-related are elected to serve the public. Because of this, others are not given the chance to serve and show change and what they can do. This becomes a culture as well that if a particular person coming from a particular family can serve, other members up to the following generations are expected to serve the public as well.
- Climate change. There are also times that even the change in the environment is being connected and thrown to our government or to the politicians. Maybe because, since the leaders are the ones who approve projects for the economy, people think that leaders are just after the profit and do not totally consider sustainable development.
Social and political problems are not easy to solve that you can just search for a solutions from a website. Advisers should be present and insights of other leaders should be considered.