Nobody actually wants anything to do with cliques, alliances, oppositions and coalitions at work. Except for those who have mastered political chess at work.
A rule of thumb says that employees in higher positions spend half their working time productively. The other half is spent on politics, i.e. fighting for position, gaining influence, spinning intrigues, forging alliances.
Another rule says; to avoid not becoming part of these political games in the Heavy Duty Towing office, don’t play along. You use it to protect yourself and your own career.
That is wrong, it is said. Politics always affects you.
How to play and win the political game at the Heavy Duty Towing office
Get to know the political landscape
When you start a new job, it’s clear within the first week. The workplace is teeming with alliances and rivalries. Find out where the lines go. Who is invited to the important meetings and who is not? Who has the best connection to the upper hierarchies? In short, get to know the unwritten rules.
Forge a Grand Alliance
The Grand Alliance allows you to have a foothold in any political camp. So look to make connections and relationships across the organization, not just within your unit. This is how you create an environment of trust without taking a direct position. And you protect yourself against political swings.
Don’t lose sight of your goals
Play the political game, but always remember why. You’re doing it for your career and for greater job satisfaction. Let emotions out of the game. Also, avoid tactics like gossip, manipulation or badmouthing someone. Act strategically, always with the goal in mind.
Create win-win situations
Office politics doesn’t necessarily mean that there always has to be a winner and a loser. The golden rule is: negotiate, think about how a potential adversary can become an ally.
Never play rivals against each other
Being caught between two fronts is a classic situation in office politics. It could lead you to take positions that you subsequently regret or subsequently harm you. Nobody will trust you anymore. Instead, you have to negotiate.
Always stay true to your principles
Before you even delve into office politics, ask yourself why: Is revenge or envy driving you, or simply fear of being left behind? If so, then leave it alone. If you don’t reconcile it with your values and understanding of fair behaviour, ignore politics.