Gen Z and Tik Tok – A Combination that Republicans Could Not Handle
Gen Z and Tik Tok – A Combination that Republicans Could Not Handle

Gen Z and Tik Tok – A Combination that Republicans Could Not Handle

Now that the US Midterm Election is nearly over, Democrats can’t help but laud Millennials and Gen Zs who wisely cast votes based on important advocacies. The young people’s allegiance is not based on traditional political affiliation, but on issues that matter most to them. Gen Zs, in particular, wielded their collective Tik Tok Power by rallying youths from all walks of life and across the US, even in the so called Red States. Democratic candidates benefited because they are also pushing for actions that address climate change, preserve women’s reproductive rights, eradicate gun violence, uphold racial justice and institute laws that clearly state the rights of the members of the LGBTQ population. There was no reason for the majority of Gen Z voterd not to vote Democrats.

Although there are Gen Zs who were raised believing in the white supremacist principles of the MAGA movement, there was little they could do to assert their beliefs at Tik Tok.

Why Tik Tok is Regarded as a Significant Element in the Midterm Campaigns

It can no longer be ignored that the young Tik Tokers made a significant difference in certain key states, where many adult voters were undecided. It helped the Democrats that american Gen Zs have a virtual social space in which messages pressing young people to take action and to spread ideological posts; or even troll others just to stir political activism. Apparently, traditional Republican politicians who have no idea what the young people are doing, are no match for the Tik Tok-based pundits.

Tik Tokers take pride that they are the creative and the smart generation who can see through the self-serving hypocrisy of traditional politicians like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham.

How Gen Zs Use Tik Tok to Boost Support for Their Advocacies

First off, Gen Zs do not just believe in political advertisements in forming their collective opinion. Besides, Tik Tok does not allow the appearance of political ads, which all the more gives the platform greater credibility for many young users – knowing that such ads could be profitable if the platform chooses to accept them.
Yet Tik Tok has proven that it can thrive and flourish by being the platform that provides support to the sector that they care about the most, the youth, including the socio-activist organizations.

Young Americans appreciate having a platform where even the non-voting age youths are already actively performing drives to derail MAGA rallies. The most helpful are the spread of carefully edited video clips exposing and amplifying police brutality and in supporting not only Black Lives Matter but also for the different protests taking place all over the world.

The difference is that these young people have their style of conveying serious messages, oftentimes with humor, sarcasm or both. You can find youths using specific songs and dance moves to troll posts containing racist, sexist, idiotic conspiracy theories and misinformation to coverup political lies.

SocialBoosting is an easy feat for Tik Tokers, as they are quite savvy with the vernacular language that can connect them to legit like-minded peers.

