The Power of Social Media Over Elections
The Power of Social Media Over Elections

The Power of Social Media Over Elections

Social media dramatically impacts our voting decisions and how we perceive the contest. It is an inexhaustible resource for politicians – they don’t have to look far for messages that will resonate with voters. Candidates can use social platforms as megaphones, not just as a way of connecting with voters but also as a tool for information gathering.

Social Media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have become prominent tools for influencing public opinion. One study proposed that social media platforms can influence up to 800,000 people to vote in an election. Social media platforms can promote positive engagement or incite harmful online behavior.

Americans are more likely to find and share information on the election on social media than on any other source. With the help of Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform, candidates can create their digital footprint and issue statements no matter how outrageous they are. 

93% of people use social media to get their news, 69% say they have changed their mind about an issue because of what they saw on social media, and 70% say they have been motivated to take action as a result of something they’ve seen on social media. The question remains: How much power does social media have over elections?

The rise of the internet, social media, and increasing interest in politics have changed how we view elections. Social media is an essential tool for politicians. Social Media does have some advantages over traditional media. 

  • Social media has been used for political activism worldwide, and it’s hard to ignore that it has influenced political conversations throughout election cycles.
  • Social media allows people to share their thoughts and opinions about the candidates in an election. 
  • Social media is not just a form of entertainment but also a powerful tool that can shape public opinion and even alter election outcomes.

Social media has transformed the way elections are conducted.

Social media is a powerful tool in elections and will continue to be. The 2017 US elections saw how social media was used extensively by President-elect Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There is an apparent power of social media, and if you are running for office, you can’t ignore it; it is crucial for any campaign.
