Government And Top-Class Sport Relationship
Government And Top-Class Sport Relationship

Government And Top-Class Sport Relationship

The relationship between the state and top-class sport has a long tradition.

Political functions of sports

Top-class sports can fulfil domestic political functions. Social integration, the labor market, infrastructure and cultural significance can be related to the phenomenon of high-performance sport. On the other hand, top-class sport fulfils the function of national representation in relation to other nations and states.

With these important functions that elite sport can fulfil for state systems, it is not surprising that there is not a single state in the world today that does not make direct use of elite sport as an instrument. In order to achieve this, however, it is necessary for the state itself to make an effort to promote sport, with various options and instruments available to it.

Aside from monitoring betting related to sports such as, the state must make ways to promote sports.

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Problems that successful sporting government has to solve

Finances must be made available in order to secure a cost-intensive high-performance sport in the medium and long term. This leads to the question of what financial contribution the state makes to promoting top-class sport?

In all successful sporting nations, talent must be spotted and defined as early as possible.

In all successful sporting nations, talented athletes must be supported over a longer period of time in order to lead them to top sporting performance. What support does the state provide for promoting talent?

All successful athletes, especially in Olympic sports, have to deal with the problem of the so-called dual career. What help does the state provide for the dual career of school?

Every top sporting nation requires the creative and intelligent control of qualitatively demanding training and well-founded competition control. This requires the support of science. What role does the government play in this context?

Elite sport requires extensive support from the mass media. What role does the government play in this?

The government has a special responsibility in relation to the question of talent identification, and the scientific monitoring of high-performance sport. Institutional state protection is required for each of these areas, with the education system being particularly challenged. With all other challenges, it is important that the government opens up the necessary catalytic possibilities so that the high-performance sports system itself can enter into a qualitatively demanding partnership with the necessary systems.

This applies equally to cooperation with business and to cooperation with the mass media. This is becoming increasingly important. These indications make it clear that modern high-performance sport is unthinkable without government funding.
